Page 72 of Charlotte

“I think maybe you need to tell them that you’re not interested in what they’re trying to do,” Charli said. “Just tell them the truth.”

More silence. “Well, to be honest, that wouldn’t entirely be the truth.”

Blake’s words took a second to sink in. Was he saying…?

Charli wasn’t sure what she wanted him to say, but she needed clarity. “What wouldn’t be the truth?”

“That I’m not interested in what they want.”

“I don’t understand.”

“I didn’t disappear twelve years ago because I didn’t love you.” Blake let out a heavy sigh. “Seeing you again has made me so mad at myself for the decisions I made back then.”

Charli scoffed. “There is no way on earth you’ll ever convince me that you still love me.”

“That’s not exactly what I’m saying.”

Of course it wasn’t. But hearing him say that still hurt.

“Being around you again has reminded me of all the reasons I fell in love with you in the first place.”

“I’ve changed,” Charli informed him. “I’m not the same as I was twelve years ago.”

“I understand because I’ve changed, too.”

Charli had seen that. Though some of what she’d observed hadn’t necessarily been outward changes in him, but more of a maturing, a strengthening, of the qualities she’d once loved.

“So what are you suggesting?” she asked.

“Let’s go on the one date you owe your sister,” Blake said. “If, after we spend that time together, we don’t feel like we want to pursue anything further, we tell your siblings we tried, and it isn’t going to work. Chances are they’ll be more willing to accept that after we at least give it a shot.”

“You don’t know my siblings,” Charli muttered.

“So you don’t think they’d back off then?”

“They might, but there is no guarantee.”

“Let’s give it a shot,” Blake said.

Charli had a hard time believing that Blake really wanted to spend time with her. And honestly, though part of her did want to spend time with him, she was scared. It felt like doing so would just put herself out there for hurt once again.

However, it was just one date. Just one evening.

It might be the most awkward time she’d ever had, but it would be just one evening. And if it got her siblings off her back, maybe it would be worth the awkwardness.

“Okay. We’ll give it a shot.” Charli knew that she didn’t sound super excited about it, but she couldn’t afford to be. The excitement she felt about spending time with Blake had disappeared a long time ago.


The beat of silence following her words told her that Blake hadn’t really thought she’d agree. Had he been hoping she wouldn’t?

She had to stop thinking like that or she’d end up with a headache. The Blake she knew before hadn’t been one to say things he didn’t mean. Of course, he’d said he loved her, then disappeared. So what did she know?

“Okay. Great.” He cleared his throat. “Janessa said that our prize for winning was dinner at the restaurant of our choice. So, do you have somewhere you’d like to go?”

She wasn’t going to suggest her favorite restaurant, because if the evening didn’t go well, she didn’t want to have to avoid it. “I’ll think about it and let you know. But if you have somewhere in particular that you’d like to go, I’m fine with that.”

“I don’t really know many places around here,” Blake said. “At least none that aren’t kid friendly.”