Had they still been together, she would have laid her hand on his back, connecting physically with him, then asked him what was going on. And he’d tell her, because until everything had fallen apart, they’d been great at communicating. Being in a long-distance relationship had meant they’d spent a lot of time talking or texting.
But had it just been her imagination that they’d communicated so well? Had she done too much of the talking and not enough listening? Was that why she hadn’t seen that he wasn’t as committed to their future as she’d been?
Charli sighed, frustrated that all she did when Blake was around was try to dissect everything that had happened. And she never came to a different conclusion. Never gained any further insight. All she did was upset herself.
By the time the game ended—which the home team ended up losing—Charli had come to understand that this was her new reality. Blake was once again part of her life, whether she wanted that or not. Even if he didn’t show up at things like the pizza night or church, she was still teaching his daughter.
So she could either continue to let his presence tie her up in knots, or she could somehow make peace with the situation. She’d gotten to the point where the heartache no longer held her captive. Unfortunately, his return to Serenity had resurrected some of the hurt, but more than that, it had brought with it a fear that he’d realize that Layla was his daughter.
But since he apparently didn’t suspect anything, maybe she could relax.
As they got to their feet, Misha called her name. “Do you want to go for ice cream with us?”
“Ice cream!” Layla exclaimed. “Yes! Let’s go for ice cream, Mom.”
Charli frowned at Misha. Her sister-in-law should have known better than to ask about something like that in front of the kids.
“Pleeeeeease, Momma!” Layla begged. “I want ice cream so bad.”
“But you had cookies,” Charli reminded her.
“I know, but cookies and ice cream go together. Cookies and cream! They go together peeeerfectly!”
Charli gave her head a shake of exasperation, then sighed. “Okay. Fine.”
“Do you want to join us as well, Blake?” Misha asked.
Amelia turned her pleading gaze to her dad as she folded her hands beneath her chin. “Can we please go too, Daddy?”
When Charli looked at Blake, she could see the battle in his expression. And she realized that his presence at events with her family might not be about him. He wanted this for Amelia. He knew that her family offered a safe place for his daughter.
Charli didn’t know what all the father and daughter had gone through, but it had left a mark on both of them.
As her gaze moved from Amelia to the tense expression on her dad’s face. Charli found herself wanting to tell Blake that it would be fine if he and Amelia joined them.
It surprised her, but seeing the pleading on Amelia’s face made Charli want to welcome them to yet one more gathering where she and Layla would also be.
Blake looked at Charli, clearly understanding that she wouldn’t want him there. Him giving deference to what she might want led her to look at Amelia and say, “I’m sure Layla and Peyton would enjoy having you come if it’s okay with your dad.”
Amelia grinned, then looked at her dad again. “Is it okay, Daddy?”
Charli heard Blake sigh, then say, “Sure. It’s fine.”
“Yay!” Layla cheered as she hugged Amelia. “There are lots of flavors to pick from. It’s amazing.”
“We can go ahead,” Misha said. “Jay will meet us there.”
“Are you guys coming too?” Charli asked, glancing at the others there.
Kayleigh shook her head. “Not me. I’m exhausted.”
“Since I’m her driver, I’ll need to pass as well,” Hudson said as he slipped his arm around her waist.
“You can go if you want,” Kayleigh told him.
“It’s fine, sweetheart. I’d rather you be there, too.”