Page 49 of Charlotte

“I know, Berry.” He reached out and took her hands. “But I’d rather have you sleeping at home in your own bed. I would worry if you weren’t there.”

“You would?”

“Definitely,” he said. “You’re very important to me, and I want to be able to check on you at night.”

She gave him a small smile, then leaned forward to wrap her arms around his neck. He returned her hug, holding her until she pulled back.

“Can I have blueberry pancakes tomorrow?” she asked. “With blueberry syrup?”

Blake chuckled. “Sure thing.”

That got him a bigger smile before she returned to sit next to Layla. Soon enough, she wouldn’t be so easily placated, so he’d take these wins whenever he could get them.

Though he wanted to turn to Charli and talk to her, Blake leaned forward and rested his elbows on his thighs as he watched the teams warm up. Jay stood tall behind a bench that was scattered with water bottles and warm-up jackets, arms crossed as he kept a close eye on his team, periodically calling out instructions and encouragement.

Thankfully, the game started not long after they sat down, which helped ease the temptation to speak to Charli. The noise level rose as the teams gathered at center court for the jump ball to start the game.

Though he didn’t know anyone on the team aside from Jay, Blake cheered along with the rest of the people in the stands each time the team scored a basket. Even Amelia was getting into the game, though she seemed to look to Layla and Peyton for guidance on when she should cheer.

When half time arrived, Jay’s team was trailing by four points. That didn’t seem to put any kind of damper on the enthusiasm of the fans, however.

Once the teams had left the court, people in the stands began to get to their feet. Blake glanced over to see if any of the people he’d come with were getting up so that he could get out of their way if they wanted to exit the row.

Charli was digging through the bag she’d brought with her, while Janessa and Will were talking to someone sitting in front of them. Jackson stepped down a couple of rows, then walked over and back up to where Blake sat.

His cousin gave him a frown before focusing on Charli. “Did you say you were bringing cookies?”

“Yep.” Charli pulled a container from her bag. “I brought a couple of different kinds.”

Blake leaned back against the wall behind their row, trying to figure out what had Jackson frowning at him. He knew that his cousin hadn’t been happy when Blake had revealed that he’d been involved with Charli the last time he’d been in Serenity. And Jackson had been less than impressed to keep running into him at places where Charli was also present.

But since Charli had made it clear that day at the park that she didn’t want anything to do with him, he hadn’t sought her out for another private conversation. Yes, they’d shown up at her church, at pizza nights and the park, and now at a basketball game, but he’d done it for Amelia.

Mainly for Amelia.

Blake looked away from Charli and Jackson to where Amelia sat with Layla and Peyton. He couldn’t deny that he’d put Amelia’s desires and needs above Charli’s.

That revelation made his stomach knot a little. It wasn’t his desire to cause Charli any additional pain through his presence.

But Amelia…

It was hard to regret his decision to spend time with the Halversons when he saw Amelia smiling and laughing, opening up more and more.

The Charli he’d known twelve years ago would have understood the importance of creating positive experiences for a child. He was sure that this Charli also understood that. She just might not like how it was impacting her.

A container of cookies appeared in his line of sight, dragging his gaze from the kids. “Did you want a cookie?”

He glanced at Charli to find her watching him as she held out the container. “Uh. Sure.” Looking into the container, he picked out a cookie, then said, “Thanks.”

When Charli offered cookies to the others, Jackson thumped Blake on the knee. “Why don’t you come get some drinks with me?”


“Yeah. There’s a canteen where they sell hot dogs, chips, and drinks.”


“Text me if you want a drink,” Jackson called out to the others.