Page 22 of Charlotte

“Why don’t we all go to the slide?” Jay suggested.

Relief crossed Amelia’s face as she reached out to take Blake’s hand. They moved as a group to the nearest slide.

“I’ll go up with you, Amelia,” Layla offered.

Blake watched as the two girls made their way to where they’d climb up the bouncy slide. Peyton trailed behind them.

He could see some of the traits in Layla that he’d loved in Charli in the gentle way she helped Amelia up onto the inflatable.

“You can’t go with them, baby girl,” Jay said as the little girl wriggled to get down.

“Here, let me take her.” Charli held her hands out, and the toddler didn’t hesitate to go from Jay’s arms into her aunt’s.

The love on Charli’s face for the little girl brought an ache to Blake’s heart. How different would things have been for Amelia if she’d had that type of love directed at her from her mom when she’d been Ciara’s age?

From what he remembered of the Halversons, Blake had no doubt that all three of those kids were surrounded with lots of love all the time. That Layla and Peyton were sharing even a little of the love they’d experienced with Amelia made Blake grateful.

Jackson and his parents were good about loving on her. But if there were more people to interact with her in a kind and gentle way, she would definitely benefit from it.

“Is Misha coming here after work?” Charli asked as she took little dance steps with Ciara, making the toddler grin.

“Yep. She should be here soon.”

Blake watched Amelia come down the slide ahead of Layla, relieved to see that she had the biggest smile he’d seen on her face in a long time. When she reached the bottom, she gave him a wave, but stayed at the slide as she waited for Layla and Peyton. Once they’d joined her at the bottom, the trio headed for the steps to go again.

There were more kids around now, and Amelia glanced at Blake. For a moment, he wanted to go over and rescue her, but he stood his ground when Layla and Peyton stayed close to her.

“I really appreciate the kids helping Amelia,” Blake said. “I don’t think she’s made any friends yet.”

Jay looked at Charli. “She isn’t making friends?”

“She’s quite reserved in class,” Charli said. “And she’d prefer to read or color rather than play with the other kids.”

Blake nodded. “Those are her favorite things to do.”

“Peyton took a while to settle when he first came to live with me,” Jay said. “He had a difficult adjustment.”

“He’s adopted?” Blake asked.

Jay shook his head. “No. I just didn’t know about him until recently.”

“Wow. That must have been… interesting, and a big adjustment for you, too.”

“It was for sure,” Jay agreed. “But it’s one of the best things that’s ever happened to me.”

Charli moved away from them toward the slide as the kids came down again.

“Hey there, sweetheart,” Jay said, his gaze going past Blake.

He turned to see a beautiful Black woman heading for Jay. She stepped into his arms and lifted her face for his kiss.

“Blake, this is my wife, Misha,” Jay said after he’d kissed her. “Blake is Jackson’s cousin.”

Misha gave him a friendly smile. “It’s nice to meet you.”


Charli returned with Ciara, who practically threw herself out of Charli’s arms to reach Misha.