Page 131 of Charlotte

She hadn’t originally planned to reveal their relationship the way she had. But in that moment, it had felt right. She’d wanted to experience that day with the man she had fallen in love with again.

And it had been amazing.

Walking hand-in-hand over the snow-covered paths had been what she’d dreamed of doing one day, and it had been everything she could have wanted. They’d ridden in a large wagon to go see Santa and had shared a bag of mini donuts as they drank hot chocolate.

Janessa had taken pictures of them that were now on Charli’s phone, waiting for her to pour over them. The one of the four of them was going to become her phone’s lock screen.

It had been perfect. And that perfection had carried through the meal they shared with her family and their daughters.

Charli paused in the doorway of Layla’s room, watching as she set her backpack on the chair at her desk. Her clothes for the next day hung on a hanger on the back of that chair. She’d already changed into her pajamas, which told Charli that Layla planned to curl up in bed and read until her bedtime.

“Got everything ready for tomorrow?” Charli asked as she walked into the room.

“Yep.” Layla dropped down on the edge of her bed, then scooted back and wrapped her arms around her legs. “Amelia was so happy that her dad is dating you.”

Charli smiled as she sat down beside her. “And you’re still okay with that?”

Layla nodded. “You both looked happy together. That makes me happy, too.”

“I’m glad.” This had changed things. Made the future she’d once dreamed of more of a reality.

They talked for a few minutes before Charli said, “Are you going to bed already?”

Layla stretched out to grab the book sitting on her pillow. “I’m going to read until sleep time.”

“Want to pray now or later?”

“Let’s pray now,” Layla said. “I’ve already brushed my teeth. That way, I can read right until bedtime.”

Charli held Layla’s hand as she prayed, thanking God for helping them find good trees, and also thanking him for Charli and Blake dating. Charli was so pleased that Layla was happy about that.

When she finished, Charli gave her a kiss. “See you in the morning, sweetheart. Sleep well.”

At the doorway, Charli waited for Layla to switch on her bedside lamp, then she turned off the overhead light. They blew each other kisses, made hearts with their fingers, then Charli pulled the door closed as she stepped into the hallway.

She went back into the main part of the house to make sure everything was locked up and all the lights were turned off. With Layla already settled in bed, Charli decided to go to her room as well to do a few things before Blake called.

Going back into their part of the house, she shut the door that closed off their rooms from the rest of the main floor.

She was in her walk-in closet when she heard her phone ring. Pulling it out, she looked first at the time on the screen, thinking it was early for Blake to call.

But then she saw Jackson’s name on the incoming call. He’d no doubt heard about her and Blake. Was he going to ask when she planned to tell Blake about Layla?

Because she didn’t have an answer beyond soon, Charli was tempted to ignore him. But in the end, she tapped the screen to accept the call.

“Charli.” Her name came out rough. “I’m so sorry.”

“Jackson? What’s wrong?”

After a long pause, he said, “I called Blake. I didn’t realize you hadn’t… I mean, I thought if you had agreed to date, you’d already told him…”

Charli swallowed hard against the panic that churned to life inside her. “You told him about Layla.”

“Not in so many words, but I assumed he already knew, so I think he figured out what I was saying. I’m so sorry.”

Charli ended the call before lowering her phone to her lap and clenching it in both her hands. She stared unseeing at the wall, dread robbing her of every bit of the joy she’d felt that day.

Maybe he wouldn’t be mad.