Page 118 of Charlotte

If someone had asked him how his family would react to a medical crisis involving his dad, Blake would have said it would play out exactly as Selena had just described. “I’m sure the doctor has told him he needs to relax and focus on his health instead of the business.”

“You bet,” Selena said. “So he fired that doctor.”

“It sounds like he hasn’t changed at all.”

“I wouldn’t say that.” Selena sighed. “If anything, he’s gotten worse.”

And that also didn’t surprise Blake. “I’m not sure what you think I can do.”

“It was touch and go for him for a while,” Selena said. “I thought you might like to see him again. Just in case.”

Blake frowned. Was this some sort of manipulation to get him back to California? When he asked Selena, she said, “Honestly, I doubt Dad would care either way, but I think Mom would love to see you again, especially if she knew she’d get to meet another grandchild.”

“Is she a more devoted grandmother than she was a mother?” Blake asked.

That got another sigh from Selena. “I wouldn’t say that exactly, but in her own way, she spoils my kids.”

“How many do you have?”

“Just two. My husband is quite adamant that we don’t need more. And Mom has told me more than once that two is a better number, particularly since we have one of each.”

“So she’s basically saying that she wished they hadn’t had me?”

“I think she was saying that if I’d been a boy, they would have stopped at two, so if anyone should be insulted, it should be me.”

“How old are your kids?” Blake asked.

“Eric is ten. Bonita is eight. How old is your daughter?”

“She’s also eight.”

“That’s perfect! I know my kids would love to meet a new cousin close to their ages.”

“Does Nicola have any kids?”

“Nope. She isn’t even married, though she does have a long-time boyfriend. I’m not sure that they’ll ever get married, and she definitely doesn’t want kids.”

That didn’t surprise Blake, and he had to admit he admired her for not giving into the pressure to marry and have kids if that wasn’t what she wanted.

“Do you think you could come for Thanksgiving?” Selena asked.

His immediate response was to say no, but he hesitated. “I’m not sure. What would it look like if we came?”

“What do you mean?”

“Where would we stay? Would Amelia be present at the dinner with me? Stuff like that.”

“You can stay with us,” Selena said without hesitation. “I know it wouldn’t be great for you to stay with Mom and Dad. And since I’m hosting Thanksgiving this year because of Dad’s medical situation, I’ll make sure that the kids are with us. That way, if they get bored, they can go to the playroom and watch TV or something.”

As long as Selena followed through on that, it might actually work. “Just so you know, Amelia has been through a lot in her life, so anything that might make her uncomfortable will make me walk away. Like seriously, I would not hesitate to pack up and leave.”

“I get that,” Selena said. “Until I became a mom, I never understood the importance of protecting those who—through no choice of their own—we brought into the world. So I will do what I can to help you do that with Amelia.”

“And your husband?”

Selena gave a huff of laughter. “Oh, he’s not a fan of Mom and Dad and how they parent. He’s helped me to become a better mom, and he’s a very hands-on dad in a way our dad never was.”

Blake was glad that someone else had managed to rise above their parents’ style of parenting.