Page 136 of Charlotte

As he waited for her response, he wondered where they could go to talk. Neither of their places were really conducive to holding the private conversation they needed to have.

Charli: Yes.

Now what did he say? They could just talk on the phone, but he knew this was a conversation they needed to have in person. It was time.

They should have had a face-to-face conversation twelve years ago. He denied her that, and it was possible that she’d deny him this. But if their budding relationship was going to survive, it was time to hash everything out.

More than anything, he wanted to know why she hadn’t told him about Layla once they’d agreed to date. He just needed to know why.

Is there somewhere private that we can meet to talk? I don’t think this is a conversation to be had in public.

Charli: I agree. I’ll ask if we can use the clinic. They have a lunchroom that might work.

That sounds good.

Charli: I’ll let you know when I’ve got it sorted out.

Blake sent her a thumbs up, then set his phone aside. The pain in his chest had been a constant thing for the last few days. He hoped that their conversation would help ease it and give them a path forward.

He still loved her. When he’d returned to Serenity and discovered she was single, Blake knew that if she gave him the opportunity, he was going to try to win her heart again. And now here he was, trying to figure out how to keep moving forward with her.

The only bright thing in all of this was Layla. He had two daughters… It was utterly amazing. And Amelia was going to be absolutely thrilled to discover that the girl she’d claimed as her best friend was actually her sister.

Would Layla be as happy?

He had no idea how Layla was going to feel about this news. Amelia was already praying that Charli and Layla would become their family, so she would accept both of them, no problem.

But would Layla be willing to accept him as her father? Or would she hate him for how he’d treated her mom?

Blake rubbed his chest as the pain pulsed more deeply in his heart. He didn’t want to think about Layla rejecting him, but it was possible she would.

When his text alert chimed, he picked his phone back up to read the message.

Charli: Gareth said it’s fine for us to use the clinic tomorrow night.

That’s great. What time is good for you?

They spent a couple of minutes figuring out the best time, then Charli said goodnight and went silent. Blake stared down at his phone, wishing it was already the next night.

All he could do between now and then was pray that the meeting would bring about a result that would draw them together as the family he longed for them to be.

The next evening, just before eight, Blake pulled into the parking lot behind the clinic.

Julia had happily come by to stay with Amelia and put her to bed, if necessary. When he’d told her that he was going to meet Charli, she’d given him a hug and told him how happy she was that they were together. He didn’t correct her, hoping that it would still be true after they talked.

Charli’s car was in the parking lot, so after saying a quick prayer that God would guide their meeting, Blake got out of the truck. The night was cold and crisp, which hastened his steps to the back door.

Thankfully, the door was unlocked. He stepped into the building, grateful for the warmth that surrounded him as the door closed, cutting off the cold.

He stomped on the mat, knocking off any snow that might have gathered on his boots. There was snow everywhere in Serenity now, gathering in slowly growing mounds across the ground.


Lifting his head, Blake saw Charli standing a little further down the hallway. She wore a pair of jeans and a baggy, dark green sweatshirt. As he stared at her, Blake gathered his wavering determination and resolved to do what he had to in order to fix their broken relationship.

Straightening, Blake said, “Hi.”

Charli’s smile was tight as she gestured behind her. “The lunchroom is over here.”