Page 101 of Charlotte

“Charli and Layla brought some soup for you.”

“Do you mind if I warm some up?” Charli asked.

“I don’t mind,” Blake assured her, especially since he was reluctant to move Amelia off his lap just yet.

Charli got up and grabbed the bag before going to the small kitchen that was just steps away in the open plan space. He told her where to find the things she needed, while Layla and Amelia chatted.

When the soup was ready, Charli carried it to the table. Blake set Amelia on her feet, then followed the girls over to the table. A few moments later, Charli joined them with a plate of cookies.

“Did you bring those too?” Blake asked. “Or do I have a cookie-making elf in my cupboards?”

“Ooooh, I hope you have an elf,” Layla said, her eyes going wide. “That would be amazing.”

“Layla,” Charli said with a laugh. “Considering you put all these cookies into the container to bring it over here, I think you know there’s no elf.”

“I do.” Layla sighed. “But wouldn’t that be the greatest? To have an elf living in your cupboard that would make you treats?”

“I’d like that,” Amelia said. “Daddy and I try to make cookies sometimes, but they’ve not been very good.”

“You definitely make better ones when you make them with Aunt Julia.”

“It takes time and practice to learn how to bake well,” Charli said.

“Even I still need Mom’s help sometimes when I’m baking,” Layla added.

Amelia leaned close to her bowl and took a careful taste of the soup. “Did you make the soup too, Miss H?”

“No. Will’s mom made it. Do you like it?”

Nodding, Amelia said, “I love it. The noodles are nice.”

“That’s good. I put the rest of the soup in the fridge, so you can have more later if you’re still hungry.”

Blake had a feeling that Charli was there because of the encouragement of others, maybe even just Layla wanting to check on Amelia. But he didn’t care about the motive behind her visit. All that mattered to him was that she was there.

They were in an awkward position once again, trying to build a relationship from a distance even though they weren’t distant. But Blake understood why Charli wanted it that way. She was protecting the girls, and he appreciated that.

Still, he would enjoy any time they got to spend with each other, even if it was in a non-dating way. Such as sitting around his table with their daughters.

“Do you usually get your car tuned up before winter?” Blake asked.

Charli gave a huff of laughter. “Trying to drum up some business?”

“You know it.” Though really, he just wanted to make sure that she was safe while driving once winter hit.

“To answer your question, yes, I usually do take my car in.”

“Well, maybe I can help you out,” Blake said. “Come by the shop in the morning, and if you’re willing to bring Amelia with you, you can take my truck to school. I’ll work on your car during the day, then you can pick it up when you’re done at school.”

“That would work out great,” Charli said. “If you’re sure it’s convenient for you.”

“It’s not a problem at all,” Blake assured her.

“Will you put on winter tires at the same time?”

“Do you already have some?”

“Yep. They’re in the garage at the house.”