Page 53 of Bride By Committee

“Is this what you want?” he demanded.

“Yes. Oh, yes.”

His hands sank deep into her hair, releasing the pent-up curls as easily as he’d released her desire. Streams of dark ringlets poured over her shoulders to rest against the upper curves of her breasts. “No strings,” he told her. “No emotional attachment. Just raw sex.”

She stirred at that and he stole any objections in a searing kiss that mated mouth and tongue and breath. If he only had a single night with her, he wanted to know all of her. And he wanted Madison to know all of him, as well. But not quite yet. She wasn’t ready for that. She’d asked for something far different and he’d give it to her right up until she discovered her mistake.

Reaching behind her, he released her bra. It fell away and he cupped her breasts. They were full and sweet and richly crested and they tempted him beyond restraint. Slowly he lowered his head and kissed each tip, deliberately driving the peaks into tightly furled buds of sensation. Ashudder raced through her and her breath quickened, but she didn’t protest.

“More?” he asked.

She didn’t appear capable of uttering a single word. Instead, she nodded with unmistakable urgency.

Dropping to one knee, he removed the last of her clothing, drawing her panties from her hips. He followed the scrap of silk and lace down the length of her legs with slow, deliberate strokes designed to arouse. She shuddered at each caress, quivering as his touch grew bolder, his exploration more intimate. He swept his hands up the inside of her thighs, finding the hot, moist core of her, feeling her flower to full ripeness against his fingers.

She tugged at him, pulling him upward. “Please, Harry. Ican’t wait any longer.”

“Not yet. Touch me first, Madison,” he demanded. “Show me that I’m the one you need tonight. The only one. Or will any man do?”

She shuddered at the order, reaching for him with notable hesitation. Her fingers slid across his chest, making shallow furrows in his hair as she explored each ridge and hollow. With a barely audible sigh she leaned into him, her softness a stark counterpoint to his harder form. She pressed her lips against the base of his throat in a damp, openmouthed kiss and reached for the opening of his trousers. The zip parted beneath her fingers. And then she was inside.

“It’s you I want, Harry. Only you.”

His breath rushed from his lungs in a silent groan. He’d always prided himself on his control, but with that simple, tentative touch, she nearly unmanned him. He’d planned to give her what she’d requested until she stopped him. No emotion, no fairy-tale romance. Just a man and a woman and the elemental desire that drove them to seek each otherout.

But he couldn’t keep going. He was too close to the edge, too close to taking her with the heartless disregard she’d requested. If that happened, they’d both regret it afterward. They’d end up feeling cheated, the memories uncomfortable rather than unforgettable. He knew that, even if she didn’t. Gathering the remaining shreds of his willpower, he decided to end this before it went toofar.

“Go pick a leaf, Madison.” His words escaped in a guttural demand. “Let’s get down to business.”

“Business?” Her eyes opened, amomentary confusion shadowing the passion. “What are you talking about, Harry?”

“I’m talking about getting on with it.” He dropped a hard kiss on her mouth. “Should I find Rosy’s instructions? Would that help? There are a few things on there that might be new to you. And how about the honey? Or do you prefer chocolate and whipped cream?”

“No. No, of course not.” Her brow wrinkled. “I don’t understand. What are you doing?”

“I’m giving you what you asked for, remember? Sex. Hot, mindless, can’t-remember-your-name-in-the-morning sex.” He infused a hint of impatience in his voice. “Come on, sweetheart. What’s the holdup? There’s a bed waiting. Leaves to pluck. And dinner to eat off each other. What more could you want?”

She shook her head, her confusion growing, eclipsing all other emotion. “Stop it, Harry. Idon’t like this. You’re making it sound so… so—”


She shivered and glanced around as though suddenly aware of where they were and what they were doing. Her arms folded around herself like a flower closing against the uncomfortable chill of nightfall. “This has been a mistake. Ithink I should go home.”

“You’re right. This is a mistake.” Ever so carefully, he drew her into his arms, holding her with a tenderness she couldn’t mistake. “Let me show you why.”

Harry didn’t give her a chance to protest, but kissed her once more. Only this time, he gave her all she’d rejected before. He made love to her mouth with slow, deep, hungry kisses. She felt stiff in his arms at first. But with each kiss, she relaxed a little more, opening to him, encouraging him with disjointed pleas and urgent hands. And this time when he touched her it was with more than the desire to arouse. He made their pairing a benediction.

He worshiped her body, telling her without words what he felt and how it should be between them. With each stroke and kiss and caress, he showed her the difference between what she’d requested and what she truly wanted. And he gave to her with unstinting generosity. Her response was all he hoped for and more. She said the words he couldn’t, gifting him with whispered secrets he’d always treasure. Where before her lovemaking was hesitant and unsure, now it was certain and tender, her surrender one of total abandon.

“Is this what you want?” he asked again.

“Yes. Oh, yes.”


“No.” She cupped his face, smoothing his jaw with her thumbs, her eyes filled with apology. “I’m sorry, Harry. Iwas wrong before. Ididn’t understand. Make love to me. Please.”

He didn’t need to hear any more. Sweeping her into his arms he headed for the bedroom, sidetracking only long enough for Madison to pluck one of the colorful leaves from the tree in the dining room. Once in the bedroom, he settled her onto the mattress. The scent of flowers and crushed herbs wrapping around them in lush welcome, the effect more stimulating than he’d have thought possible.