Page 49 of Bride By Committee

He still didn’t get it. “Of course, Iknow. That’s only one of the reasons I’m upset.”

“What’s the other?”

She pointed a shaky finger toward Bradford’s and said the words that would damn her in his eyes. “I’m part of all that. That could have been me.”

“What the hell are you talking about?” Shards of green appeared in his eyes, warning of his anger. “You’re not like him. You never could be. Imay not have known you long, but I’ve learned that much about you. Ican understand if you don’t want to help take him down, but—”

She tugged free of his grasp. “No! You don’t understand.”

“Then explain it to me.”

“I can’t. Not here. Not like this. Not when—” Her voice broke and she fought to regain control. “Not when my cousin is waiting for you to stalk in there and rip him to shreds.”

Harry’s face emptied of expression. “Is that what I’m going to do?”

“It’s the nature of lions, isn’t it?” It was a statement of fact, one neither of them coulddeny.

“Yes, Isuppose it is.”

“Just like it’s the nature of snakes to strike when cornered.”

“Is that a warning?”

“Absolutely. Linc’s no match for you, but the people who put him up to this will do everything in their power to protect him.” She shivered. “And they have a lot of power.”

“I’ll be sure to watch my back.”

“And Kent’s, too.” She swiped at her cheeks and forced herself to give Harry the information he’d need to finish his job. It was the least she could do under the circumstances. “If you want to recover some of the money, Isuggest you check for customer accounts that have similar names. Like Sheffield Manufacturing and Sheffield Marketing. Inexperienced auditors don’t always catch the duplication because they think it’s two separate divisions of the same company. But one will be legit and the other bogus. Linc will have syphoned off company money by making payments based on falsified invoices to the bogus firm. You might also check to see if any product has been sent to them. He may have a black market operation going, as well. Though I’m hoping he hasn’t had time to get that started yet.”

To her relief, Harry didn’t ask how she knew. “At least stay until I wrap things up here.”

“I can’t.” She couldn’t face Linc again. Not after what had happened, not when so much of it was her fault. “Don’t worry, Harry. I’m not Aunt Dell. Ihave a lot of practice finding my way home.”

He must have recognized her determination because he didn’t argue further. “Okay, Madison. Go, if that’s what you want. But this discussion isn’t over. Not by a long shot.”

“I’m well aware of that.” She turned to leave, then remembered one last thing. “Don’t forget to get the games Rosy requested.”

“Those games are the least of my worries.”

“They won’t be if you forget. You’ll never hear the end of it.” She continued to hesitate. “You might also consider introducing Kent to Rosy.”

“You have got to be kidding me!” He’d thoroughly lost his temper this time. “All hell is breaking loose and you’re matchmaking?”

She shrugged. “Maybe some good can come out of it. It would help—” Her voice broke again and she knew she had to leave before she fell apart altogether.

“Honey, please. Stay.”

“I can’t.”

“Then promise me you’ll come by the hotel later this evening.”

“I’ll try. If not, I’ll see you at the office tomorrow.” She suddenly remembered and her pain magnified. “That’s right. We’re finished with everything, aren’t we?”

“We’re not finished,” Harry retorted. “Not by a long shot.”

“Somehow,” she whispered, “I suspect we are.”
