Page 25 of Bride By Committee

“This is Seattle.” He didn’t give her a chance to argue, but simply anchored her to his side with a sweep of his arm and towed her from the room. “You of all people should know there’s always time for coffee.”

Once in the kitchen, he held her chair with unconscious ease, as though he performed the act on a regular basis. She took a seat, voicing a concern that had been troubling her since she’d arrived. “I thought you were here to advise a small group on financial matters.”

He didn’t look up as he prepared the coffee. Was it her imagination or did he hesitate before answering? “I am.”

“You said they weren’t powerful movers and shakers.”

“No, they’re not.”

She hadn’t been mistaken. He didn’t want to discuss this subject for some reason. “How can they afford to put you up in such an expensive suite if they’re such a fiscally small group?”

“They aren’t responsible for my expenditures. As for the suite, the hotel upgraded my accommodations.”

That sidetracked her. “Why would they do that?”

He shrugged. “I’ve done work for them in the past.”

“And they’re grateful?” she persisted. “Grateful enough to let you stay in their best suite?”


His tone warned that the discussion had come to an end. She stewed over the implications, aware that she was missing something, something important. Perhaps if she weren’t so distracted by him, she’d have figured out what it was. Pouring the coffee, he filled a single plate with fresh fruit and croissants. One plate, she noticed, not two. Apparently, they were meant to share, if his placement of it between their coffee mugs was any indication.

The nook was small and intimate, becoming far smaller and more intimate the instant Harry joined her. Or maybe it just felt that way because he took up more than his fair share of the space.

He reached for a croissant and ripped it in half and Madison closed her eyes, fighting a reaction she had no business experiencing. It had to be lust, or something equally earthy and impractical.

Here it was, nine in the morning, but it might as well have been late at night, after an evening of wine, music and blatant seduction. It took a full minute before she trusted herself enough to reach for her coffee cup without betraying the confusing jumble of emotions.

A long swallow sent caffeine shooting through her veins. Maybe the coffee had been a mistake. Caffeine only aggravated the situation, making her tension more pronounced. Astrawberry didn’t help, nor did eating the half a croissant Harry had left on the plate. In fact, that only made it worse.

Each bite was a vivid reminder of his hands shredding the flaky bread. He had distinctive hands—large, long-fingered, broad-palmed hands—capable of covering a lot of territory with very little effort. She’d discovered that much in the elevator. Or perhaps her attack of nerves had something to do with the watchful gleam in his hazel eyes. It was as though he knew precisely what she was experiencing. Knew and was amused byit.

“Stop it.”

He lifted an eyebrow. “Stop what?”

“I don’t know what love principle you’re practicing on me, but cut it out. I’m not into those sorts of games.”

“I don’t play games.”

She shoved the plate in his direction. “You’re trying to seduce me. Don’t bother to deny it. Ican tell when I’m being seduced and you, my friend, have some hot and heavy love vibe going on. Idon’t know if it’s a trick your father taught you or if you came up with this one all on your own. But knock it off. I’m not interested.”

He picked up a huge dark red strawberry and bit deeply into the juicy flesh. “Love vibe.”

“Don’t pretend innocence. You don’t do it well.” She waved her hand to encompass everything from his sexy eyes to his sexy strawberry-flavored mouth to his sexy juice-stained fingers. “Turn it off so we can get down to business.”

Harry regarded her with interest. “How do you propose I do that?”

“No switch?” she demanded.

He shrugged apologetically. “None that I’ve been able to find.”

“Then how about if you pretend we’re in a business meeting. You can make that sort of adjustment, can’t you?”

“It’ll be tough.” He gestured downward. “I’m not wearing a suit.”

“Yeah, Inoticed.” Boy, had she noticed! “Maybe that’s part of the trouble. Come on, Harry. This is important to me.”