“Dramatically. For one thing, she doesn’t have a clue what the word discretion means. If I want to keep something confidential, Ican’t tell Rosy.”
“Rosy Sunflower?”
Madison chuckled. “Has a ring, doesn’t it?”
“It sounds like you could use a little advice on how to handle your family.”
She took instant exception to the comment. “Don’t be ridiculous,” she snapped, lifting her head. “There’s nothing they can throw at me that I can’t handle.”
“Right.” He reassured her with a quick, soothing touch. To his relief, she curled close once again, her head returning to its resting place just above his heart. “Silly of me to even suggest such a thing.”
“That’s okay. It’s only because you don’t know me very well.” She gave his chest a reassuring pat. “Harry?”
“Still here.”
“Thank you again.”
He smiled at her formality. “You’re welcome again. Madison?”
In response, she tilted her face upward a notch, her breath feathering his cheek in a strangely erotic caress. And then he committed the second craziest, most irrational act of his life—an inevitable one that came on the heels of dropping everything and flying out to Seattle over a simple intriguing document.
He kissedher.
She inhaled sharply, stealing the air from his lungs. Her spine went rigid and for a split second he thought he’d made a terrible mistake. He started to release her when she sighed, relaxing into his arms and giving him back his breath in sweet surrender. Wrapping her up in an embrace so possessive he didn’t have a chance in hell of disguising it, he drank in her taste, each kiss as ravenous as it was reassuring. Her hands splayed across his chest, measuring the muscle-ridged breadth before curling into the crisp cotton of his shirt. She clung to him, not giving any hint of hesitation or resistance.
If anything, she encouraged him, wriggling closer until they were cemented from shoulder to hip. Her lips parted beneath his, soft and damp and slightly swollen from his aggressive demand. He accepted the unspoken invitation and delved inward, exploring with leisurely intensity. The urge to imprint himself on her rode him hard, but he resisted, unwilling to risk alienating her. The emotions might run hot between them, but they were also fragile.
They were in a unique situation. Being captured in a cage of darkness had an odd effect on the senses. Life swirled in a mad dash outside, while they escaped its relentless influence. It gave them an opportunity to act on impulses they might have otherwise ignored. That didn’t stop him from facing a few hard facts. If he started something now, he’d be taking a huge risk, one he might very well regret once reality put an end to this moment out of time. Sure, he could push, forcing her to give way. But how would she feel about it afterward? Would she regret her actions? More likely she’d resent him for taking advantage.
He just needed time. He had a woman in his arms who attracted him as no one ever had before. She was soft and yet firm, confident while still painfully vulnerable, intelligent and yet frustratingly stubborn. And he found every single quality more appealing than he’d have thought possible. Once he convinced her they were perfect for each other, life would be good. Life would be verygood.
He cupped her face, sweeping her angled cheekbones with his thumbs. Her face fascinated him, possibly because he’d only caught the briefest glimpse of her from behind the book she’d been reading when she’d first stepped onto the elevator.
Her chin was well defined, no doubt an outward reflection of her stubbornness, while her nose felt straight and elegant. She had wide-spaced eyes and long silky lashes. Her eyebrows arched strongly and tight ringlets feathered her forehead. He couldn’t tell how long her hair was since she’d tied it up in some sort of intricate knot that rigorously subdued what he suspected would be a riot of curls. But she felt incredible in his arms. She felt like she belonged.
“Well?” she asked impatiently. “What’s the verdict?”
“I’m satisfied.”
“How can you say that when you haven’t seen me?” she demanded.
“Are you trying to change my mind?”
“No. It’s just—”
He caught her hand in his and lifted it to his face. “Your turn.” Cautiously at first and then with growing boldness, her fingers slipped across each feature. He held still, strangely aroused by the sensation. “Well?”
She leaned into him, her hands forking through his hair. He caught the scent of her perfume once again, alight crisp scent that made him think of citrus and springtime. It took every ounce of self-possession to keep from tipping her off balance and into hisarms.
He balled his hands into fists, wondering if she sensed the rigid control he fought to maintain. Considering her complete focus was on other matters, probably not. He released his breath in a half groan.
“You have good hair, thick and springy,” she finally announced. “What color is it?”
“That would be telling.”
“Against the rules?”
“’Fraid so.”