The room he led me into certainly deserved the title of theater. Even though the hallway we’d passed through had seemed almost like a luxurious office building, this area was clearly meant for things other than the typical business meeting.

There were black leather chairs and couches lining the dark grey walls, with glass and chrome tables beside them. The center of the room had been left open, as if there was going to be dancing, but what drew my attention was the stage at the far end of the room. The red wood of the floor gleamed under the dim lighting, and the chair placed in the center almost looked like a black throne, the two couches flanking it making it seem like someone would be holding court over the room behind the table separating it from everyone else.

The clank of glasses through the open door across from me drew my attention back to what I was supposed to be doing, and I flashed another smile at the guard standing next to me, likely waiting to be sure I went where I was supposed to.


He tipped his head, eyeing me again before shaking his head.

“Remember me, out there all by my lonesome, when the party’s over. I’m Damien.”

I started across the room, giving him a little wave, and he was still standing there watching me when I walked into the other room. It was much smaller, although it still held a couple couches and four tables where people could stand. The bar ran along the wall in front of me, and there was another door leading out of the room on my left.

“Are you here to help?”

I jumped as the woman brushed past me since I hadn’t heard her until she’d spoken. She was carrying a bucket of ice that seemed too large for someone her size considering she was even shorter than me.

“Yeah, Ilias hired me for the night?”

It came out more like a question since I wasn’t sure how the usual waitresses here would feel about others cutting in, but her smile was filled with appreciation.

“There are aprons behind the bar on the left, and the trays are kept there too, although you won’t need those yet. Do you know how to prep garnishes?”

I lifted one shoulder as I moved where she’d directed me. I hadn’t known if there would be a place to put my things, so I’d left my purse at home and only had my ID and an emergency twenty-dollar bill stuffed in my bra, so there was nothing to stop me from jumping right in.

“I’ve never done it, but I can learn.”

She nodded and let out a huff as she set the bucket on the floor behind the bar. The shelves behind it were already stocked, but it seemed like everything besides the alcohol was brought in when the room was going to be in use.

“Those containers sitting on the counter there? They need to be filled. One with cherries, one with orange slices… You get the picture. All the stuff is in that box.”

She pointed with her chin as she struggled to lift the bucket again so she could dump it into the chest waiting under the counter. I spotted the box but moved over to help her first, taking hold of the other side of the bucket.

“Whew, thanks! I didn’t want to have to make as many trips, but I think I overloaded that one.”

She wiped her brow and grinned at me, and the little bubble of worry that had stayed buried in the back of my mind finally deflated, her energy infecting me with more excitement. I’d toyed with the idea of leaving Frankie’s to work at a bar where tips would be better, but staying with the familiar had always seemed safer. Now that I had the chance to see what it could be like and didn’t need to fear the other waitresses, I was ready for the night to get going.

“I’m Emily. Sarah will be back in a bit, and I think we have one other girl who’s supposed to help. The four of us will be busy, but I don’t think the boys will be too demanding tonight. They’ll probably just ask for a whole bottle. It’s the girls who get complicated with their froufrou drinks.”

I turned away to dig out one of the aprons and wrap it around my waist, thinking over the size of the room I’d passed through. It probably only held a hundred comfortably, but even that would keep four waitresses busy.

“Are we only serving drinks?”

She was rubbing her shoulder when she nodded, the bucket dangling from her other hand where it rested against her hip.

“Yep, drinks only. And everything is on the house since liquor comes with renting the room. Have you signed your papers yet?”

I had reached for the box where she’d said the garnishes were, but I paused as I raised a brow at her.

“What papers?”

She set the bucket on the floor again with a clank before moving to the end of the bar and reaching underneath. She came back up with a clipboard and pen.

“It’s just an NDA. The Warehouse has a reputation, and our clients require the help to be discreet. Nothing you see or hear tonight leaves the room, including who was in attendance. It’s really just better not to mention you worked here at all.”

Pulling my lower lip between my teeth, I thought over what reason there might be for an NDA just to serve at a party. It seemed a little extreme, but Emily’s patient smile as she waited for me to take the pen seemed too innocent for there to be something to worry about. Cadence had assured me I’d be safe here, and besides the newness of it, nothing had given me bad feelings.

“Okay,” I said, reaching for the pen.