Light shone through my eyelids, and I winced away, tucking my face into the fabric separating me from his heat and the delicious sound he made. I whimpered when cold air snuck through to lash my bare skin, but it took too much effort to open my eyes to see what was happening.
That little voice yelled that I needed to move. Needed to fight. This alpha was dangerous.
But my limbs felt so heavy and weak.
And he smelled so good…
I whined when I was placed on a smooth surface that didn’t vibrate, the loss of the sound making me stir, but I’d barely lifted my head when hands were on me again, tugging me over until my head rested above a steady heartbeat. The solid thump-thump combined with the purr drove everything else away, and I drifted.
The next time I tried to open my eyes it was because of the scent. An overwhelming deluge of dark chocolate, smoke, and alpha. I could smell his spent seed nearby, and I let out a weak growl at the thought of it being wasted.
It was supposed to be on me. In me. Filling me.
I tried to roll over, but something held my wrist. It was soft, and there was a little give when I pulled, but I couldn’t bring my arm down.
More awareness seeped in, and I realized both arms were held above my head. There was warmth and the scent of him all around me, but when I moved my legs, I didn’t feel anything except blankets and pillows.
The slide of my skin over the lush fabric made me pause before wiggling more. The sensation was far better than anything I’d ever had in my nest, and combined with the scent of it, a sob slipped free at the thought that it wasn’t mine.
“Shh, kitten. Everything will be fine.”
His voice was an almost physical thing drifting over me, tickling the shell of my ear, and fanning the flames burning just under my flesh. It soothed away the fear that I’d be forced from the wonderful bedding, and it increased my need to see around me.
I finally pried my eyelids open, the low lighting glowing around the edges of the ceiling enough to see by without it being abrasive. The room was as large as my entire apartment, the bed I laid in far larger than my meager twin. Four wooden posts rose from the corners of it, draped with gauzy fabric and fairy lights, and a massive headboard stood beyond the reach of my hands stretched above my head.
“Do you approve of your new nest? I made it just for you.”
Luscious fabrics were mounded around me in warm jewel tones, with matching pillows scattered across the surface. My fingers itched with the need to pet them all and adjust the placement, and I pulled on whatever was binding me again even as a purr slipped free at the way it all felt. I couldn’t focus on anything beyond the gauze, but if I’d had free rein to build my perfect nest, this was pretty close to what I’d have chosen.
Warm fingers touched my ankle, drawing my attention down to the foot of the bed. The carving on the footboard caught my gaze for a moment until the dark shape of an alpha pulled my focus to him.
Alex stood beyond the edge, trailing his fingers up and down from my ankle to my toes. He was beautifully naked, and the sight of him stole my breath and what few thoughts I’d been able to muster.
I needed.
A whine left my throat and those dark eyes that had haunted me finally met mine, the hunger there making me feel like he’d doused me in accelerant and lit me on fire. I saw his possessive need, just as strong as mine, and a gush of slick poured from my core to drench the bedding beneath me.
“I gave you a choice at the party, but you won’t get one this time kitten. I promise to be a good alpha for you.”
The words were slow to make sense, and he moved up the side of the bed as I stared before I understood what he was saying.
“You’re going to claim me.”
My gasp seemed loud in the silent room. His lips rose for a moment before he grew serious again.
“I’m going to claim you, and knot you, and breed you. You’ll be so stuffed with my cum there won’t be any chance it won’t take. I’ll worship you as you grow round with my child, and the next time you go into heat, we’ll do it all over again.”
My traitorous pussy spasmed, more slick wetting my thighs as my clit throbbed. I’d avoided being claimed for so long, never even considered having children, but his words spoke straight to the instinctual urges I’d buried.
I tugged on my arms again, but I was still held firm. Alex reached out, trailing his fingertips from my collarbone down to my tight nipple, pinching it and making me arch from the bed.
“But… Alex…”
The thinking part of my brain was trying to push forward, telling me to deny the alpha and make him stop, but there was so much tension coiled in my belly, and flames licking along my flesh.
“No buts. No choices. This was meant to be.”
My omega side was writhing in extasy as he switched to the other nipple, pinching and pulling it tight before rolling it between his fingers. A moan broke free before I could stop it, my body unwilling to listen to the tiny part of my mind that wasn’t wholly onboard with this.