“You seem to like the waitress I hired.”

I cocked a brow at the other alpha but didn’t deny my interest. It wasn’t as if I’d been hiding it.

“I found her in a grubby diner over on the north side of the city when I stopped to eat after working on a house over there for Leo. Sexy little thing. Wish she hadn’t turned me down.”

My lips lifted as Roderic let out a laugh.

“Yeah, we all seem to be striking out with her. Did you explain what the waitresses usually serve here?”

Ilias shook his head at Roderic’s question. It was obvious she hadn’t been aware, and I understood his reasoning for not telling her before he even opened his mouth to explain.

“Not really. I assured her nothing she didn’t agree to would happen because she seemed a little skittish, but she was too fun not to offer her the job. Flirty but competent, and not likely to bail when the fun really starts.”

After a couple hours of free liquor, things were already heating up in the theater. There was just as much groping as dancing going on in the center of the room, and a couple of the couches lining the walls had pairs going further than simple groping.

“She’ll come around, but she’s mine.”

Roderic scoffed but Ilias only grinned as he snagged the glass Georgios had left behind to polish off the last of the Scotch.

“I can’t wait to see it. That might even be better than having had her myself.”

A low growl rumbled in my chest before I strangled it, luckily not loud enough to be heard over the music. The omega was just a passing fancy, nothing to be growling over. I didn’t even remember her name, and it didn’t matter. I always lost interest once I’d slaked my lust, and I planned to do that before the night was over.

Ilias lingered a little longer before darting back onto the main floor, chasing the shorter waitress he’d been kissing before. She was a regular employee of The Warehouse and had served enough parties that I wouldn’t be surprised to spot them on one of the couches shortly.

Fog started drifting down from the ceiling, further darkening the already dim room. It would be heavily laced with scent dampeners to help keep the party under control, but nothing could stop the direction it was heading.

Spotting my little waitress making her way back to the stage, I settled deeper into my seat, a grin spreading across my face. There had certainly been some things I’d missed while studying in Greece, and I thought I might end up enjoying my welcome home party after all.

Chapter Five


The place was turning into an orgy.

I jerked my head to the side when I realized what was happening on the couch I passed, Emily’s black hair wrapped in a large fist as her head bobbed. She definitely wasn’t cleaning up a spill like I’d first thought, unless the alpha had made a mess in his lap, and she’d decided to clean it up with her tongue.

My core clenched and more slick seeped out to soak into my already drenched panties. A quick trip to the bathroom had shown me my pupils were blown, my rapid breaths scrapping my tight nipples against the inside of my bra. If I hadn’t known better, I’d have thought I was going into heat early, but there were no cramps ripping through my middle, nor the urge to bury myself in bedding. Only a deep throbbing need between my legs, building with each moan I overheard, or view of others sating their own lust.

Biting my lip as I climbed the stairs to the stage, I tried to calm myself as I approached the two alphas remaining there. The others had left, leaving Alex and the alpha I’d overheard called Roderic. They occasionally spoke to each other, but most of my stolen glances at the stage had shown them simply watching the crowd in front of them.

Was this what a typical party here was like?

A little thrill traveled through me as I slipped behind the couch to stand in the space between the two men. There was no reason for me to get so close, I could have delivered the fresh bottle I carried from the other side of the table, but I still hadn’t caught Alex’s scent, and it was starting to drive me crazy. I needed to know if he smelled as good as he looked.

“Need a refill?”

I should have offered the bottle to Alex first since he was the guest of honor, but I knew once I leaned in close to him I was likely to forget the other alpha was even there. The energy in the room was thrumming just beneath my skin, my clit pulsing with the need for attention, and something about Alex had captured my interest, not allowing me to even look at any of the other alphas in the room.


Roderic held up his glass but seemed to mostly be watching the people below us. He offered a quick smile once I’d filled it, his eyes only lingering for a moment, but my focus had already shifted to the other male.

I didn’t even have to look up to know he was staring at me, the weight of his gaze almost physical. Putting my back to Roderic, I sucked in a deep breath, finally able to pick up Alex’s scent.

Dark chocolate and smoke, almost like a smores, poured into my lungs and set the tingle beneath my skin buzzing faster. I was past the point where my panties could contain the wetness, and I felt slick smear the insides of my thighs when I squeezed them together.
