“Because I am. You were mine the minute you chose to serve at the party, and then climbed into my lap. I’ve never been so sure of anything.”
The expression on her face remained unchanged but I felt the way she softened, the warmth flowing through the bond. My little omega was going to be a hard nut to crack, and even harder to convince, but the bond would guide me. I knew she was high on hormones and that was half the reason she wasn’t fighting more, and if I had to keep her drunk on orgasms and locked on my knot to get through to her, I’d do it. Everything took a backseat to assuring her this was the way things were meant to be.
I shifted my hips again and she let out a whine, pulling her hands away from me to press against her belly. I’d never come so hard in my life, so I was sure she felt bloated from it all being trapped inside, but that was exactly how I wanted it to stay.
My knot was still swollen but it had receded a little. Enough that a bit of tugging finally let it pop free, a gush of our fluids following my cock from her channel.
She moved as if she was going to roll away, but I placed a hand to the center of her chest as I reached for the drawer I built into the headboard. She hadn’t been the only thing I’d taken from her apartment.
The surge of annoyance through the bond had me smiling as I slid down the bed, but she remained on her back even after I’d moved my hand. She didn’t realize what I held until I shoved her thighs farther apart and moved it closer to her pussy.
“What are you—”
She cut off with a gasp as I used the head of the pink dildo to scoop up the cum that had leaked from her and shove it back inside. I pushed until the whole thing had disappeared between her puffy lips, the fake knot pushing more of my seed back into her.
“We need to let everything stay inside a little longer, but this way I’m free to see to your other needs.”
I held the base of the dildo with one hand and used the other to pull back the hood over her clit. She jerked and bucked when I brushed my thumb over the exposed nub, some of our fluid squeezing out around the silicone plugging her.
“You need to come for me so the knot will inflate. We don’t want my seed leaking out.”
She whined and reached for my hand as if she could stop what I was doing, but her hips were already moving in time with my circles. When I leaned closer and wrapped my lips around her clit she stiffened before letting out a cry as her legs tightened around my shoulders.
I felt the whirring inside the dildo as her orgasm triggered the knot to inflate. I gave her clit a couple more licks, her legs twitching with each one, before pulling back to look at the toy lodged in her pussy. The way her lower lips clung to the silicon had my own shaft twitching as I remembered how it had felt when she’d come on me just a short while ago. I wanted to feel it again, but there were other desires to fulfill in the meantime.
Rolling off the side of the bed, I strode around to the foot, releasing the lever so I could raise the center portion. Reaching over it to take hold of her ankles, I dragged her closer as her eyes popped open and she scrabbled at the bedding.
“What are you doing?”
She tried to roll but she couldn’t while I held her legs apart in the air. Fitting one ankle into the groove meant for it, I waited until she paused to reach over and yank the strap around it to hold it in place. Once it was secure it was easy to fit the other in place and tighten the strap. Spread open, she was held on her back with her knees bent.
“The things I read said remaining on your back with your pelvis tilted upwards can help with conception. I’m just assuring my seed has the best chance to take root.”
The emotions flowing through the bond were tangled, the look on her face incredulous as I moved to the side of the bed again and grabbed a pillow to tuck beneath her hips.
“Are you serious?!”
She tried to roll again, having more fight in her than I’d have given an omega in heat credit for, but she couldn’t stop me from taking her shoulder and pressing it back against the mattress. Tears shimmered in her eyes even as she whimpered at the shifting of the dildo inside her. The knot would help hold back the next wave of her heat, but it still wouldn’t be long before she’d need me to mount her again and give her what her body really craved.
“What if I don’t want to be a mother? I don’t even know you!”
I’d already crawled onto the bed again and was scooting closer as I held her down, but I paused at her words, head tilting as I looked down at her. I could feel her fear chewing at my chest, but there was also longing laced through it.
“We have all our lives to get to know each other, but I don’t believe you don’t want to be a mother.”
She sniffled, pinching her eyes closed, and I waited until she was ready to speak.
“My body craves everything you’ve promised, but it’s too fast. Where will we live? What about my job? What about what I wanted to do with my life?”
She sniffled again and I laid down facing her, my feet pointed the opposite direction since she was too close to the footboard for me to lay properly. She still refused to open her eyes, so I stroked my fingers through her tangled hair and let out a quiet purr.
“We will live here, in my home. Everything I have is now yours, so you’ll never have to work again. I’ll give you anything you want, take you anywhere, you only have to tell me your desires.”
Sighing, her body loosened, and she finally opened her eyes to look at me.
“What if I want to leave?”