Just a little more patience, and then I’d have my prize.

And once I got her home, I could do all the things that had been running through my mind throughout the week. I’d custom-built a new bed in record time, just for her, and I was excited to use the special features. My omega would have no choice but to accept me as her alpha, and she wouldn’t be able to regret it after I gave her every bit of pleasure she was capable of feeling.


The night passed slowly, my tension rising the longer I sat in my car and stared up at her dark window. My omega was in there, likely in pain, possibly trying to tend to herself, while I sat here and did nothing.

The inside of my Audi echoed with a growl I couldn’t keep in, the sound spiking each time another person appeared near her building. I hated holding myself back and almost lost control at one point when it seemed like an alpha was going to her floor. I had opened my door to race up there when he’d appeared on the next landing, and I’d withdrawn my foot from the pavement.

Color crept across the sky, but I remained in the shadow of her building, my car parked on the street outside her parking lot. Another black car didn’t draw any attention parked between others, and I needed to be able to make a fast getaway.

The neighbor to her left emerged, walking down to the bus stop as he had last Saturday. He was too small to be a threat, a beta, and easily dismissed as my hands curled into fists on my steering wheel.

Not much longer.

Each beath seemed to take an hour as I waited for the woman who lived on the other side of Sharon to leave. Another beta, but being female, more likely to cause problems if she caught me in the middle of what I planned to do.

I bared my teeth when she finally came out, the expression too feral to call a smile. There were plenty of other apartments whose tenants hadn’t left yet, but the ones I’d seen each morning were already gone, and I could finally make my move.

For all the time it had taken to get to that point, the amount it took to reach her front door was barely a blink. My lockpick slipped into the knob, a quick twist releasing it before I moved on to the deadbolt. It took a breath longer, but I’d already learned its particular needs, and pulled the door firmly against the jam until I heard the click.

I was in her apartment with no more of a pause than what it took for her to unlock it each night with the key, breathing deep the heady scent of her. There was a new richness to the smell, an earthy musk that had my already hard shaft leaking in response.

A deep rumble left my chest as I moved through the room, ignoring all the things that had held my attention the first time I passed through. Now nothing mattered but the feminine whines coming from the doorway to the left, and I was past the point of waiting.

The sight that met me when I strode into Sharon’s bedroom had my steps faltering, my growl stuttering before dipping into a purr. Ass in the air, hands between her naked thighs, she plunged a thick pink dildo into her weeping cunt as she worked her clit, the silicone and her flesh glossed with slick.

The noise must have alerted her that someone was there, because her clenched eyes popped open, her hands stilling as she saw my looming form standing in the doorway.

“What the—Who are you? How did you get in here?”

She dropped the dildo and scrambled to the head of the bed, pressing her naked body against the wall as her scent took on a sour note. I let my lips curl in a smile as I took a step closer, but she held up her hand, pointing at the door.

“G—Get out! You’re not supposed to be here!”

I was surprised she could focus enough to give orders, but it didn’t matter. It wouldn’t change the outcome.

“I’m not leaving without you, kitten.”

Her eyes widened as I stepped into the dim light spilling from her bathroom door, and her jaw dropped. Her pupils had completely swallowed the caramel of her irises, and I scented fresh slick as I moved to the end of her bed.

“You’re mine now.”

Her chest rose with the breath she drew in to scream, but she didn’t have the chance to release it. The needle slipped through her skin into her thigh as my palm landed over her mouth, the plunger delivering the sedative before she could start thrashing. She tried to push me away, but her meager strength was nothing compared to an alphas’, and even her teeth digging into the flesh of my palm couldn’t get me to remove my hand.

“Hush, kitten. It’ll all be better soon.”

Chapter Eleven


The world faded before the weight of the alpha lifted from me. The place where I’d felt a pinch on my thigh throbbed, but it was a distant feeling, as if the limb was asleep. Even the cramps and desperate clenching of my core were muted.

There was motion around me, big hands on my body, moving me. The hard surface I was pressed against vibrated, and the scent that filled my lungs was the same as the fabric I’d had pressed to my face.


Some small part of my mind was still coherent, still screaming that this alpha had broken into my home, come into my nest uninvited, but it was growing quieter with each breath.