“At least mine is slick, not my own seed.”

Ilias rolled his eyes and turned away, waving a hand over his shoulder. He was the type to rib everyone and never took anything too seriously. He’d also keep his mouth shut, so I didn’t have to worry about anyone getting in my way.

A quick search on my phone found Frankie’s Diner, complete with address and business hours. If she waitressed there she’d likely be working tomorrow since it was Friday and one of the busiest days of the week for restaurants. All I’d have to do to find out where she lived would be to wait outside when they closed, then follow her home.

Plan in place, I headed for the exit again. The party had devolved into little more than an orgy, and I had no interest in it. I had more important things to focus on, and my fingers itched to start working.


It took about an hour after the diner closed for her to emerge. Parked at a gas station across the street, there was no way she’d notice one more car amongst others, even if mine was worth more than the others combined.

I watched as she waved to the two other people who’d left the building with her, suppressing the urge to growl. They’d been with her for hours, talking to her, smelling her delicious scent, while I’d been waiting.

And I’d have to wait longer before I could have her.

I let her jeep pass where I was sitting before bringing my Audi to life with a quiet hum. This area wasn’t as busy as the city, but there were enough other cars on the road for me to pull out behind her without drawing suspicion.

I kept about a block between us, and even pulled into a parking lot while she was stuck at a light to be sure she didn’t notice she was being followed. Just because I didn’t work in the main part of the family business didn’t mean I hadn’t done a few jobs for them, and I knew how to not draw attention.

Sharon finally made a turn onto a narrow side street before pulling into the parking lot of a decrepit apartment complex. The thought of her trusting her safety to the place had my fingers tightening around the steering wheel until it creaked, my jaw clenched as I heaved deep breaths through my nose.

I wanted to haul her over my shoulder and drag her away before sinking my teeth in her so she knew she couldn’t leave, but it wasn’t time yet.

I had to be patient.

I watched as she got out of her car and climbed the rickety staircase at the side of the building. She kept climbing to the third floor before turning to walk along the narrow strip in front of the numbered doors. She stopped in front of the fourth, the pause long enough to assure me she was unlocking her door before she slipped inside. A dim light shone through the window a moment later, and part of the tightness in my chest eased.

She’d made it home safe, even if a determined alpha could get through that door without trouble.

The thought hit me that my plans would be ruined if she was the cautious type who spent her heats in one of the centers set up for unmated omegas without an alpha or a safe place to spend their cycle. There weren’t many in the city since most omegas didn’t last long without being claimed, and they could be expensive to use, so I had to hope she’d stay home.

I lingered until the light went out about an hour later, then waited even longer until I was sure the area was quiet. It would take all my control to keep from taking her too soon. To keep from letting my anxiety get to me and ruin my plan. She was going to be mine, I just had to wait for the right moment to be able to claim her and put a baby in her without her fighting me.

I had to be sure she would be mine forever.

Pulling her panties from my pocket, I brought them to my nose, sucking in the fading scent of her slick.

I would come back each night and watch for signs that she was getting closer.

I’d find a way to scent her to be sure.

Then I’d take my little kitten to her new nest and make sure she never wanted to leave.

Chapter Nine


“Could we get our check?”

It was harder than usual to bite back my sigh and force a smile at the family seated at Tiffany’s table. Another Friday night, and another night she just couldn’t seem to keep up.

This place would fall apart if I quit.

It had been over a week since the night I’d worked at The Warehouse, and thoughts of quitting Frankie’s kept popping into my head. I’d loved working here, even on the hard nights, but after seeing what it could be like to work at a club, it was getting harder to remember my loyalty.

It wouldn’t be like that at just any bar or club though. The Warehouse is different.

My core clenched as I tried to ignore the memories associated with that night, a bead of sweat rolling down my spine.