“Eighty, so twenty-seven missing. The missing twenty-seven might be of importance. Or if the original thief didn’t take them, it could be because they didn’t think there was anything to gain from those blocks. Either because the owners are innocent or because they are working with them.” Atlas stacks the blocks and tablets back in the bag.

“Or because he simply didn’t get around to it,” Sunshine says.

“The other possibility is they didn’t bring one. If I had damning information on my tech, I wouldn’t take it. The governor of Braesen’s block isn’t here. It’s one of the reasons we compiled a list,” I say.

“A list?” Atlas rearranges the blocks in the bag.

“Yes, of those we saw but whose blocks aren’t here.” I pull up my tablet, showing him the list of those whose blocks we thought might be missing.

Atlas grunts and pulls up a list of his own. “There. I’ve sent you the official attendance and locker list.”

I smirk. A few minutes later, everyone gathers around my tablet.

Atlas grunts. “Well, that doesn’t tell us much, now does it? It’s all over the board from definitely guilty of something to I would more likely suspect my grand dame of robbery.”

“I’ve met your grand dame. She’s terrifying. That doesn’t say much for the other names on the list.” Eros smirks.

Atlas’s block dings. His forehead furrows as he looks at it. “Not the Kraken king.” He walks to the other side of the kitchen. “Give me a minute. You should work on this list. I think it holds the clues for the answers we need.” He’s focused on his block.

“He’s right,” I say. “I don’t know many on this list. Not in detail. Let’s split it and do some work on it. Sunshine and I can work together?—”

“I’ll work on my own,” my brother says. That doesn’t surprise me. The fact that he was working with Forrest at all is a little shocking. I doubt he’ll ever mate. He likes being by himself. In fact, most days I assume he would have preferred to have been an only child.

“I’ll work with you, Michio.” The stern look on Castor’s face says he’s not going to take no for an answer.

“Fine.” Michio moves over to Castor.

“Holter and I will make a good team,” Forrest says.

Holter’s eyes widen at me. Yeah, I’m going to pay for this later, but I don’t care. Any second I can work with Sunshine on anything makes the day a heck of a lot better.

I divide the list into thirds. “Want to work in the bedroom?” I ask Sunshine.

“No,” Holter barks.

“Fine. We’ll take the library.” I take her hand and help her off the sofa. “Let’s go work together in the other room. Do you have your fancy block? Let me have it.”

She hands it to me. A few punches of my tablet, and I have her block unlocked to its full potential again from its throttled state.

“Let’s go.” I wiggle my eyebrows at her.

“Keep the door open,” Holter shouts.

“It’s going to get too noisy.” I shut the door with as much of a solid click as the panel will allow.

“We’re going to work, Eros.” Sunshine has her fists on her hips, and when she stands like that, all authoritative and demanding, it makes me forget about anything but her.

“Sure we are. But first I’m going to kiss you.”

“Eros,” she growls and cocks her head.

“Sunshine.” I cock my head right back at her. “Give me your lips and we can get to work.”

“Fine.” Her hand wraps around my neck, and our lips clash together. Every brush of her lips is like the first time for me. I will never get enough of this mermaid. I am completely addicted to everything about her.

When she pulls her head back, I’m drunk. “You taste so good.”

“I taste like canned fish stew.”