“No, definitely not Tristan. The others on the list of dead are a Seolfor parking attendant, who was seen helping others escape; a Tinom clerk, Dimitri Oragon, found on the upper levels; a Vitrom guard; and a cousin of the Braesen governor.”

“I knew Oragon. It wasn’t him. Damn shame. He’ll be missed. Braesen wouldn’t be mixed up in something like this. It must be the Vitrom guard.” Forrest nods.

I don’t glance at Eros. He has to be thinking what I am, which is that the Braesen aren’t the innocent, friendly animal-lovers that everyone’s always thought them to be. They’re the true power-hungry dome. And they’re going to try to pin this rebellion on others.

“Still, we should talk to both families.” Eros is being a lot more diplomatic than my gut says is necessary.

“Somewhere in here is the answer to everything.” Michio takes the bag from Forrest.

I can’t help but think that explaining this is going to take more effort than fighting off the giant eel and coming back from the chasm. But then, I trusted I could do that; we can do this as well. “You can’t stay here. This sector isn’t scanned often, but with the lockdown, no amount of personal cloaking is going to keep you from being blown to bits if they decide to terminate a threat.”

“Why do you think I sent you the message? I knew you would have somewhere to take me.”

“Why would your brother have a safe... You.” Forrest points. “You’re a security council agent?” That was definitely a question I had never heard asked before.

“Not anymore.” Eros’s tone dropped. Yeah, he didn’t like being asked, and I don’t blame him. It’s a rotten shrimp shell of a thing to ask. Even here. Even now.

“Bellucci’s. I understand. I will never say a word. I’m in debt to you. I swear upon my lost mate’s soul, I will never utter a word.”

Eros extends his arm to Forrest, and they seal Forrest’s vow. “I’ll take you to my tech hut. It’s shielded, and I keep emergency food supplies there. No one but me knows the location of it. You’ll be safe there for a few days. The two of you can spend your time analyzing the data from the tech you found while we come up with a plan to clear your names. Let’s go. Nico, I’ll be back for you in an hour. If I don’t return after a day, make your way into the agricultural dome. You’ll find an old Zaffiro male living there. Tell him I sent you. He’ll help you until the curfew is lifted.”

“Eros.” I call him back into the room. “Don’t come back for me. I’ll use the cloaking device and make my way to Zaffiro. I have a stop I want to make first.”

He glares at me. “Stop? Where?”

“Braesen. I know someone in Braesen who might have the answers we need.”

Eros glares at me, but I’m not giving him any more than that. “You come the fuck back. Sunshine wouldn’t like not having your disgusting face around.”

He gives me a curt nod and slips through the silo’s airlock. I wait until they’re gone and slip out. Enough with playing coy.



“There’s no food here.” I put a bowl of “stew” down in front of her.

“It’s fine. I’m not that hungry, anyway. When I stayed here, the pantry was full.”

“Oh, it’s full, but not with real food.” I sink into the chair next to her. “You sure you don’t want any help?”

“Not for this part. It’s kind of a one-person job.”

“Is the translator able to translate Bellucci’s documents into anything legible?”

“Oh, yes. It’s done with it already.” She pushes her notes across to me. “It’s not much. It’s a simple cipher, really. If I had more time, I could pick it apart myself without any help from a computer. It looks like bank statements and payments to someone named Cyril Rizos. And even more to ‘Gerrard Legend.’ And a bunch of drivel about how foolish the Vitrom governor’s plan is, and he really isn’t the guilty party. It’s like he was figuring he was going to get caught and this was his document to send Vitrom down the river. I’ve moved on to Richeal’s notebooks from Ophelia’s library.”

I kiss the top of her head. “Gerrard Legend is a Kraken, one of their toughest. He’s known for his hatred of Dorian, and he’s their king. The Tinom and Vitrom governors are paying the Kraken, but why?”

“I don’t know, but could this have nothing to do with the dome collapsing, or with the terrorism at all?”

“That very well could be the case. Eat some of this. I think it’s cod stew. I don’t want you passing out from hunger.”

“Yes, sir.” Her blue eyes flash. “Just kidding.” She waves at me. “I need to get this done. It’s been pulling at me for so long.”

“All right. I’ll give you some space. Castor and I are cleaning up the living room and bedroom.”

“Okay.” Her head is bent, and I’m pretty sure she didn’t hear what I said.