I never thought I could feel the things I feel for Annabelle. I thought sex was just that. Sex. The times that Castor and I were invited to join a pod, it was never like this. I’ve never felt like this. They weren’t like this with their mate. It was just about sex. But then, their mate wasn’t Annabelle. I don’t even remember what happened in any of those pod rooms; it’s like my brain is protecting me, making me a virgin until I touched Little Krill. There was no one before and there will be no one after. When I kiss the tip of her nose and she breaks out into that smile before she closes her eyes... It’s the thing that keeps me going. It’s the thing that I want more of. I want languid days of nothing. I want hours of her in our arms, of laughter and of Eros making me mad so she can break the tension.

Her words echo. I don’t want Castor in the pod because I don’t think I’m as good as him? That can’t be.



I leaned against the door to the bathroom, watching Castor and Nico play with Sunshine. She was on fire. There is nothing sexier than a mermaid giving in to her urges. And when it’s your fucking pod, your female? Damn, it’s like my insides wanted to open up and spill out. I love her so much. I want everything for her. I would bring her anything she wanted... go to the ends of the earth. I fisted the cloth I’d warmed to clean her up. But she didn’t need it yet, not with them still playing. I waited and watched until she broke apart. Damn my heart. I’m so lucky. Lucky to have her, but at the same time, guilt pulls at my consciousness. She’s my everything, but that doesn’t mean I’m not thinking about my family. It nibbles at the back of my brain. It still is, even now that I’m sitting on a little stool next to the giant tub.

Marina. I keep hearing what Tristan Bellucci said to me in his apartment, before I went to Boston. “No, no. I die and she’s dead.” I push it back. If the Kraken want Marina for a mate, they’re not going to kill her. And Michio... I haven’t even contacted my mother yet. Michio had to have known what was going to happen. Why would he tell our parents not to come to the Veneratia? It doesn’t make any sense. I put the now cold cloth on the counter.

“Enjoy the show?” Castor raises his eyebrow at me.

“Immensely. The next best thing to being in her when she shatters is watching it happen.” I smirk and stand. The way Sunshine looked at the asshole in bed with her? Yeah, she needs some time alone with him.

Castor steps into the shower, rinses, and grabs a new warm cloth for Sunshine. I grab his arm, stopping him from going back into the pod room.

His eyebrows rise. “What?”

“Give her some time alone with him. She’s far from done. You saw the look in her eyes. There will be plenty of time for us, but they need this moment.”

“I might never?—”

“For sure, if that’s how you want to think about it. You’re going to let him decide your fate? Are you going to let me decide your fate?” I push the door to the pod room shut and turn back to the golden prince.

“Fuck no.” Castor nods as he says it. He doesn’t even realize he’s doing it.

“You sure? You’re going to have to fight with Nico for what you want. You’ve said it, but that’s not going to be enough for the blubber brain. Hell. You know him better than anyone.”

Castor nods, this time the right way. He’s giving the right message to me and to himself. “He’s complicated. But that’s how it’s always been. I mean, I see it. I see what everyone else thinks about him. But it’s?—”

“It’s different because you’re closer than brothers. I can say I understand, but I don’t, not really. My brothers are brothers.” I love them, but I can see it’s different between him and Nico.

“I suppose.” Castor glances back to the pod room.

“Give them some more time.”

“Where’s Holter?”

“She gets hungry in the middle of a mermaid frenzy. Even the gel doesn’t do it for her. He’s making her some food. He’ll be quick.”

Castor nods. It feels like he’s always been around, but the time we’ve had without him feels like forever too. “Right.”

“Let’s see if we can help him speed things up for the next round.” I pull out the robe that Sunshine likes so much. The first time I suggested it, she wasn’t sure, but she’s more than sure now. I put it on the counter next to the cloth. “Grab a towel or a robe. Let’s see if we can help Holter.”

Castor pulls on a robe, and we head out the side door, leaving Nico and Sunshine to have some time alone. Perhaps she can knock some sense into him.

My stomach roars. “That smells amazing.”

“Good,” Holter throws over his shoulder.

“Where are your trays?” Castor opens and closes cabinets while Eros and I stare.

“Does he think we have a golden tray service?” Holter laughs. “We use our hands, prince.”

Castor hangs on to the last handle he had in his hand. “Golden tray service? Fuck you. I was just looking for a way to get it back to the bedroom quicker. I don’t want to be out here with you two cod fish.”

Holter picks up the serving dish. “You guys get the rest, if you can manage without a tray.” He laughs and heads down the hall.