I drop my arms.

Dar continues. “And the scowl. You don’t have to smile, because that would be?—”

Ellery cuts him off. “Worse. That would be oh so much worse.”

“Right. Anything else you two want to let me in on?”

“Bennett’s the expert. Level 30 psychology of interconnected people,” Ellery says.

I nod. “I didn’t even know that was a?—”

“Exactly,” Dar says.

“I don’t have time for this...” I begin, but Holter raises his eyebrow at me. “Fine.” But I don’t take my eyes off the bridge as Dar and Ellery take me on as a project. There’s a flash of bright blonde in the side window. “Is that where they’re sitting?”

“Yes. Ari’s keeping track of their positions,” Dar growls.

Fuck, how had I missed her other two mates over there? My throat tightens. I want to get her home, and I want to get her home now. I don’t care if she’s getting any information. I don’t care if my nation changes. I just need her to be safe and not out here with so many threats.

A damn petal lands on my eyelashes. When I swat it away, standing outside the tea house door is a mermaid I recognize: Porcia, the mate of Kronus, who helped us buy out Annabelle’s uncle from the family farm. She’s also the mate of Ovid Septimus—Governor of Koralli—and three other powerful mermen. One is a controller for the navy, and another runs the major corporations of Koralli dome. And behind her she has Kai and Annabelle lined up like podlets marching their way to class. She, however, only has two males waiting for her at the end of the bridge.

“Ah, your males were waiting patiently,” she says to Kai and Annabelle. “Well, I hope they can wait longer. We’re going to the Maelstrom for the governor’s session.”

“No,” I grit out.

She tilts her coiffed braids back and laughs at me. “Ah, the return of Poseidon and the Hero of Hestertåtten. We are indeed going to the government building. I have some questions—no, your mate has some questions for the lawmakers of our nation. And it just happens to be Veneratia. So we’re going.” Right, it’s a holiday. It makes sense why so many people are out. Today’s the day the governors invite their families to the Maelstrom to watch the session, one of the few times that citizens are permitted in the chambers.

Veneratia. Fuck. I hadn’t thought about that, but then why would I? I like Nole plenty, but would he think of me as family? No. “Is Eros at Veneratia?” I ask Holter.

“Maybe.” Holter moves to Annabelle’s side.

“Oh, do you want to ride with your mates or come with me?” asks Porcia. “I’m sure there’s a lot more we can discuss on the way.”

Fuck. It’s the Porcias of the city that are going to have the answers. Porcia is a daughter of a governor and now mated to one.

“Kai is going home.” Dar’s voice rings among the branches.

“I’m the sister of a governor. I have every right to be at Veneratia.” They share a look. “But my ankles are swelling. And I’m ready for a nap.”

“Thank fuck,” Bennett whispers while shaking the petals from his hair.

“I need to go home,” a young girl with red hair says. She curtseys at Porcia and then at Annabelle. “Thank you for all the wonderful advice.” She waves as she leaves.

“Well, Poseidon and Hero, I happen to have enough room in my omada if you would like to come with us.”

Annabelle’s eyes flare in that you better not say no way. It’s still on the tip of my tongue, but Holter puts his elbow in my side. “We would be delighted to join you,” I grind out.

Porcia claps once. “Excellent. Let’s be on our way.”

I take Annabelle’s gloved hands and stare down at her. She blinks up at me, her lips sucked into her mouth, eyes wide. Oh, my Little Krill has news to tell us. Lots and lots of news.

Their omada isn’t as new as ours, but it’s seaworthy and clean. It’s also big enough that we can sit three across with Annabelle in the middle.

Porcia’s mates aren’t the talkative sort, which suits me. Porcia talks enough for all six of us. “Ovid is speaking today. And Theo is already there. He’s really looking forward to meeting you. You know, in case you have any human questions about the Veiled City.” Right, Porcia’s mate Theo is human. Or was before he got his fluke. Human and shifter males gain a fluke when they mate a mermaid, but a human female never does.

“Annabelle is doing great on her own. We’ve gotten her all the information she could ever need.” I lean back.

Porcia laughs, and I hear it: I’m acting like an overprotective parent. “Oh, darling, I have a question for you.” Porcia turns in her seat. She and one of her mates are in the row behind us while the other is in the front, and they have a much younger male as their driver.