Turbulence has me reaching for the tumbler of Dragon Ale on the mahogany side table. Outside my window, cumulus clouds drift below the jet.

The flight attendant moves about the cabin with dexterity, pausing in front of me. “Mr. Drakos? Is there anything else I can get you?” Her hand rests on the empty headrest across the aisle from mine. She’s breathtaking, but then so is the rock on her finger. I might prefer gold, but I can appreciate a brilliant diamond when I see it. And I wonder if that’s the sort of thing Annabelle expected to have before Nico ripped her away from Boston. No, that’s not her at all. She’s much too practical. Now, a full lab with access to all the tech the Veiled City has to offer? That would make a good gift. Too bad Nico’s made it clear—no more gifts.

“No, I’m good. Thank you, though. I’ll be making a call soon.”

“I’ll be in the galley. Let me know if you need anything. We’ll be landing in two hours.” She smiles politely.

“Thank you.” I tip back the rest of my drink. Dragon Ale has its place, but I prefer seaweed gin. It gets the job done and reminds me of who I am at the same time. And lately I’ve needed a lot of reminding of who I am. The intended king for Glyden. The legacy of my parents. The leader who will change the direction of the Dorian people. The CEO of Glyden Mining who has taken it from an eleven-digit company to thirteen during my ten years there—something my uncle never did.

I open a bottle of water and reconsider why I jumped on this plane. What am I doing going to America for a pod that I’m not a member of? But the females in trouble are in trouble because of Nico’s actions. The message from Hagen Brakenridge was clear: Annabelle’s Uncle Russell had gone even further into darkness. He hired investigators and tracked down his ex-wife and daughter––and now he’s selling them to the highest bidder. They’re in danger because of another Glyden merman, and that’s why I’m on my way to America.

It’s a lie. My inner self knows it. I’m here because I want to be the one who helps Annabelle’s family. The one who rescues them. Nico told me to leave her alone. He’s right. I need to leave her alone. If I could become king and not be mated, I would. But after the irresponsible actions of our current unmated king, I can’t. I have to find a mate. Saraphina from Braesen dome or someone else. She’ll be fine, and with her having mates from Permula and Diamont domes, it will improve my connections, bringing those governors to side with me. Hell, if I could find a suitable mate with ties to Vitrom or Tinom dome, it would do me even better. I’d have to sleep with one eye open—like they say, keep your friends close and your enemies closer—but it would bring the change I want with more ease. I can hear my grandmother’s voice echoing in my ear. She was a great queen. My grandpa was a stoic king. He changed the education system; he lobbied to have mermaids be governors. I want to be like them.

The bottle of water finished, I roll it between my fingers, watching how the droplets inside find each other. I place it next to the empty glass. I’ve got more important things to get done than daydreaming.

I’ve got twenty minutes before my meeting with Hagen Brakenridge. The security firm I hired to figure out why Annabelle didn’t get on her flight from Athens to Boston is one of the best in the world. I need to bury my feelings for her. This is about doing the right thing for Glyden and the future of the Veiled City.

I pick up my block from the empty seat next to me. There’s a bunch of messages from the company that forward from my human phone. But I’m more concerned about the message from my brother.

Where the hell are you going? Nole, my brother and the governor of our dome, never minces words. But then again, he’s stuck on a failing diplomatic mission. He’s got to try to make an ally out of the mermaid nation that the Vitrom governor is trying to make into an enemy.


Why? Rumor has it you are coming here.

To Skyrothasia? Why would I do that? No, Boston.

Why are you going to Boston?

I consider my words carefully. To help a friend. Without Nico taking Annabelle, these females wouldn’t be in danger. Their only sin is being related to Annabelle. I really hope no one has found out about the connection between Marlee and Annabelle. But I doubt that’s the case since her uncle is trying to sell his ex-wife and daughter. Those sorts of connections aren’t missed by our tech that skims the human internet for information. Caution is still for the best. When I reach Annabelle’s uncle, I’m going to relieve him of his life. Selling his ex-wife and daughter to human traffickers? And I know there’s more that Annabelle hasn’t told us. More the bastard did to her growing up, to his own daughter. He needs to be wiped from the earth.

You mean to get in good with the human? You can’t mate her. Get the fuck home.

I stare at the message from my younger brother—less than a year younger, but still. Technically, I should be the governor of our dome. But when the election came around last time, Glyden Mining couldn’t take a change of leadership. Nole isn’t a fan of finance. Me staying on as CEO was the logical thing to do. But now I’m beginning to wonder. I don’t take being pushed around by anyone. Nice. Do you talk to Mother like that? I suggest you don’t talk to the future king that way.

Future king, is it? Funny, you’re not acting like one. You’re acting like a lovesick guppy. Go home, brother. We have a plan. Or has my absence made you forget the change we are going to bring about? How we are going to bring our society into the future? Don’t let your cock be your brain.

I clench my jaw. I have things I need to do for the company. Heard. I’ll be back in Athens tomorrow.

Once I get the Vitrom governor to stop being an asshole, I’ll be back in the Veiled City. Nole must really want to get home to his mate. He’s been gone a long time.

Well, considering the Vitrom, I’d say it’s been nice knowing you, but I had to share a room with you, so I’ll leave it as goodbye. See you in twenty years. I glance out the window. I’m an ass, but I’m glad it’s Nole and not me.

Very funny. I’ll be out of this mess soon, trust me.

Good. The plan to kidnap the Skyrothasian princess? Pure madness.

Nole’s been dealing with this for too long. Make sure you say hello to Nico when you see him. Because Nico ignoring the order to capture their princess saved Nole years.

Point taken. That’s what I’m trying to settle. There are loose ends we need to tie up. Keeping it out of the human government for one.

Good, the more we stay out of human politics, the better.

I’m not interested in opening up negotiations with the humans until I’m king. Trust me when I say I will be staying out of the spotlight.