She nods at me. Her lips purse.

“You’re serious. Did you want to be an elected official?” I would never have thought of her as a politician. But now that I think about her desire to help, her ability to see patterns in people, understanding and caring... Hell, she truly loves Nico and me. I mean, she loves Holter too. But that’s not hard.

“I thought about studying government. But I knew if I was going to make it on my own, I would have to make a lot of money. Science in high school was my second passion, and I saw it as a way of making more money.”

“I see.” I think about the governor of Seolfor, a great mermaid and leader, Pilar Tiberius. She’s done a few terms, and if things had lined up, I could have seen her as a queen. We’ve had queens in the past, but not for a long time. Not since the population dropped so low. Females are so protected now, I would never have thought of a mate as someone who could be governor. Before. I wouldn’t have wanted my mate to be one. I would be too afraid of her getting hurt or stressed or surrounded by too many other potential mates. That’s the key. But for Sunshine, I want her to help her get every last one of her dreams. I rub more soap on her skin.

“You done?” She shuts the water off without waiting for my reply.

“Never.” I put my hands around her waist. I want to touch her forever.

She grabs around my neck, jumps, and wraps her legs around my waist. And I have to laugh. As much as I want to put my cock back in her amazing cunt, that’s not how it works. I swipe a towel from the hook on the wall and throw it over her shoulder as I go into the pod room.

Holter’s there in less than a second. He takes her from me. “Look at you. You’re all wet. Let’s make you wetter.” He tosses her on the bed, and she bounces with a laugh. But on the side of the bed, Castor and Nico don’t have the same look of desire on their faces. “Here Belle, eat this while I eat my snack.” He pushes her legs apart.

Castor’s eyes flash at me. And I have a feeling I don’t want to know why. Then Castor walks out of the room, and I get the definite idea I’m being summoned. If this were any fucking other day, I would ignore him. Even now, listening to the little moans coming from my mate, I’m second-guessing following him out of the room. But my feet move on their own.

I catch him in the hall, far enough down to keep our conversation from Sunshine’s ears. “What?” I cock my head back to the pod bedroom. He takes another step away from it, but I don’t move. “Make it quick.”

“There’s footage of the docking dome and the administrative building. The docking dome collapsed completely.”

I stare at him. My vision sheets. It’s like I don’t know what language he’s speaking now. I shake my head. I rock back and forth on my heels.

“He’s still on the list of missing. It’s not a?—”

“Is he dead?”



I crawl up the end of the bed to Belle. Eros and Castor are in the living room. Nico’s lying on the side of the bed, lost in thought. Belle smiles at me, but she’s still in need. I forget the rest of them. I’m more than male enough to help her through this. Her skin is warm to the touch. When I rub small circles around her knee, she gasps. “You’re such a good mermaid. Look how ready you are again.” I kiss up her leg until I reach her core. And I lick up her slit. It’s swollen and begging for my mouth.

“I love you,” she squeals. Her cunt clamps down on my tongue, and then my fingers. I’m too busy to respond. But my smile takes over, and I swear she can tell. “Need you.” She pulls on the side of my head, but I’m not stopping my attack. I’ll have my cock in her sweet pussy soon. First, I need her release all over my face. “Holter.” She pulls harder. She’s no match for my desire. I’m not going to let her off that easily. “I’m so close. Want you.”

That only makes me more determined. I need to see her release on my face, shooting off like a tidal wave. I push my fingers in and out of her rapidly. I’m greedy for her.

She tugs on my ears. “Holter.”

I don’t know what else is going on with the pod. I don’t even care. I hear Nico chuckle.

I suck her clit into my mouth, pulling hard, pressing my fingers to that magical spot inside her. And with my other hand, I pinch my mate mark just on the inside of her thigh.

Her back shoots up, arching off the mattress. “Oh, Holter,” she screams. “Get the fuck in me now.”

She’s a dream laid out in front of me, wild, her braids loose and frazzled. Nico’s lying sideways next to her shoulders. He has her hands pinned above her head. I give him an appreciative nod. She’s bouncing on the bed, wild, feral, a mermaid unleashed, a mating like those I’ve read about.

Nico holds her palm up to show me. It’s not a circle, but it looks like a fresh tattoo with octopus ink. It’s puffy and red around the outside.

“Fuck me, fuck me.” Her hips are bouncing.

And I have to laugh.

“It’s not funny. Now.”

“No, it’s not funny. You’re fantastic, Belle.” I love needy Belle. I love all versions of her, but this is one of my favorites. A goddess who knows what she wants and screams out her needs.

“I know I am. And with you, we’re cosmic. Now get inside of me.” She bounces again. And I couldn’t stop myself if I tried. I pump myself once, then twice, and ease into her. Her hips vibrate up on me. She grabs the side of my thighs and rolls. It’s not a clean move, but now she’s on top. Her blue eyes flash in victory, but who’s the real winner here? Me. Absolutely me.