As we escape away from the government building, an emergency omada races toward it.

What the hell was that? asks Castor.

No, not here. Anyone could pick up on what we’re saying. Communications when shifted are the least secure of any type. You could post something on the human internet, and it would be more secure.

I glance back at my arm. I’m leaving a trail of blood. Just enough to make Mickey like me even more.



“What are you doing?” Porcia screams. “Get her corset off, or she’ll drown.” The tall mermaid has her corset off. She’s standing next to us, pulling her silk skirt down.

“Darling, come here,” her mate demands.

But Porcia grabs Belle, pulling her off Nico’s back, and in the next second we’re all fighting with the lacing of Belle’s corset. But it’s not coming off. Porcia tugs at the knot on the top.

“Stand back. Hold still, Belle.” I take the sharp tine from the trident Eros pushed at me before he jumped over the railing like it was a normal Monday afternoon activity.

“Hurry.” Nico’s holding on to Belle’s arm, but he’s watching the glass at the top of the dome.

“Right, don’t move.” I slice through the ties and let the golden corset drop to the ground. “It’s off, it’s off.” I lift her up to Nico’s back. Stupid fashion. I’m never letting her wear anything like that again. I might never let her wear clothes again. “Hold on, Belle. Shift when... now!”

The window breaks, and it’s a half second before Nico with Belle on his back pushes me back into the wall. I shift through my pants and kick my fluke until they’re gone. Between the bubbles and the debris, the water is hard to see in. I pulse my hands out in front of me and catch the side of Nico’s hip.

Behind, I say. I’ve said it in more than one battle. There, lots of times, I’ve had to depend on others to be my eyes. Inking the water is a favorite thing for the Vikings to do. It’s effective. Unless you can depend on your other senses.

Shoulder, Nico states. We’re going. I close off all the other voices. It’s too much. Others are panicking.

Upward and out. It’s Nico. He’s addressing those around him. Go. Now. He might be talking to them, but he’s not stopping. Not that anyone is asking for help. It’s more people calling out to each other. But far away, in the back of my range, I can hear a different story. Those who went to the lobby aren’t doing as well. The current has trapped them. There’s nothing I can do. I need to get our mate to safety. I shut off that range and hold on as Nico’s dark fluke leads us up.

At the top of the dome, we’re out. Out before most, from the looks of it.

We’re not stopping.

Copy. I scan the area. If this had been a battle, there would be a sniper waiting to take out those who escaped at the exits. It’s ingrained in us. I glance over my shoulder. The need to go races through me.

Eros and Castor? Belle turns to look over her shoulder.

Be still, Little Krill. They’ll find their own way out. Did you see how the Zaffiro jumped over the ledge? He knows what he’s doing. And Castor’s got the Drakos luck on his side.

We round the corner of the restaurant quadrant and pass a group of domes that line the thoroughfare. There are a lot of people outside the Stele main dome; the soaring gray structure dominates the low domes around it. We take a quick right turn on our way to Glyden. I don’t allow myself to relax. I’m scanning the surrounding buildings and every solo, omada, and the larger omadas used for public transport. I’m focused on any threat. I’m also half scanning for Eros and Castor. And I must admit I’m looking for Porcia and her mates too. Damn, we’re really indebted to them. I would never have thought that Belle couldn’t shift into her fluke-less version of a mermaid with a corset on. I’ve never worn anything tight like that. I’ve shifted through my pants many times. But then, that fabric is usually thin and the force of my fluke emerging from my body is external, not internal. I glance over at Belle. Her bare back flashes in the low light of the streets as we whisk by buildings. Her ribs are larger. How the fuck had I never noticed that before? How did I miss that in my levels?

We make our way past more businesses and the rest of the restaurant quadrant. The thoroughfares are crowded now. I’ve tuned out everyone but Belle and Nico. Emergency solos and large omadas used for construction leave wakes as they zip below us. I’ve never swum this fast in my life. I don’t think Nico has either. Not even when he was on the swimming relay team in high school. Glyden is around the corner, and I’ve never been so happy to see a building in one piece.


I’m okay.

Nico dives next to the Glyden dome, down to seabed level, past the depth of traffic, past everything, to our apartment. I’m on his tail, trident still in hand. The sharks greet us. Mickey comes to Belle for pets.

It’s okay. I’m okay. You’re a smart boy. You know something is wrong, don’t you? I’m okay.

She’s talking more to herself than the shark. He nudges her hand and swims around us.

I can’t play now. We have to go inside.

Nico and I have her positioned between us.