The tall trees slowly dissipate to shorter ones; there are cherry trees with thick buds ready to burst into bloom. We turn the corner, and I have to stop walking. It’s amazing, the way it smells and the vivid crazy colors—pinks, oranges, yellows. It’s more than cherry trees. It’s like every flowering tree in one place.

But Kai wasn’t wrong. I smile over at her. “You doing okay?”

“I’m golden. I can go for a few more hours.” She laughs, and I don’t miss the groan from Dar behind us. “Look over there; that’s Saraphina from Braesen.” I glance where Kai’s pointing. “No, don’t look-look. She wants Castor. We can’t let that happen.”

“Kai,” Bennett half whispers behind us.

“I said what I said. And if you whisper at me again, Bennett, I’ll say it louder. Because there is no way I’m having her as a sister.” Kai flashes her smile over her shoulder. “But I do love your sister.”

“My sister is seventeen, and if any of your brothers so much as...” Bennett stops. “You’re just teasing me to get punished again.”

“Now you are starting to understand our mate.” Dar pulls Bennett a few steps back.

I link arms with Kai again. “Is she really that bad?” Not that I want to think of Castor with anyone but me. How long can he really wait? If he’s going to be king, everyone says he’ll have to be mated. And I know Nico; he’s stubborn. So stubborn. He could take too long to change his mind. Castor said he didn’t care about being king, but was that just in the heat of the moment? Okay, Annabelle, focus—that’s not why you’re here. I’m here to meet mermaids who can help me figure out what’s going on with that lab, or anything related to it.

Standing on the edge of the bridge atop a koi pond is a petite mermaid with auburn hair and a striking blue dress.

“Oh, that’s someone who might be able to help.” Kai takes off for the bridge, but then she turns. “Give us a little more space with this one.” She cocks her head and points at each of her mates.

“Fine,” they grumble.

“Hey Dahlia.” Kai smiles. “Dahlia, this is Annabelle Portsmouth.”

“Hi.” I lift my hand in a wave, but then the gloves make me feel weird, so I tuck them back at my sides again.

“It’s nice to meet you. Marina talks about you all the time. Like all all the time. She’s so excited to have a real sister. I mean, we’re like sisters. Or at least we were,” Dahlia sighs. “Do you know why she’s mad at me and isn’t answering any of my messages?”

My eyes go wide, and I look at Kai. I hadn’t thought this bit out yet. I suppose I’m not supposed to tell anyone that Marina’s gone. But I’m not sure.

“Oh, that’s hard. I’m sure she has a really good reason. Maybe we can figure it out together.” Kai puts her hand on Dahlia’s shoulder. I’m guessing that, if they think of each other as sisters, Dahlia is also Zaffiro. “Let’s have tea at the Garden House. My treat.”

“The Garden House? Do you have reservations?” Dahlia asks. She looks like Kai invited her for a weekend getaway at a palace.

“For three of the most fabulous mermaids in all the Veiled City? They’ll find room.” Kai steers both of us off the bridge and through a section of white blooming trees. The ground is covered in petals at least an inch thick. They flutter around us when we walk; it’s mesmerizing.

“It reminds me of snow,” I say.

“Snow,” they both say together.

“Oh, tell us about snow. Have you made a snowmale?” Dahlia asks.

“Snowman. And yes, I have.” I laugh. The two of them are staring at me like I know the code to the universe.

“That’s the Garden House.” Kai points to an Asian-inspired teak building sitting in the middle of a pond. A large bridge leads over to it. “Some of the best pastries in the whole city.”

“See, I told you they would have space,” Kai says to Dahlia, her menu already closed. “The best thing about this place... no male customers allowed.” Kai laughs.

“Oh, when I have mates, I’ll never want to come here,” Dahlia says over the top of her menu.

“Just because I want a minute of peace doesn’t mean I don’t love my mates.” Kai laughs, rubbing her belly. “But yes, I suppose there are days I don’t want to be without them too.” She looks at me. “That came out wrong.”

“I know what you mean.” I nod. Kai truly has a kind heart. I messaged her a lot when Eros was gone.

Our order placed, Dahlia leans over the table, her eyes wide. “I can’t figure out why Marina’s not messaging me back.”

“Right, well, what was the last thing she sent you?” I lean forward.

“She was being all sorts of odd. Here, let me show you.” Dahlia reaches down to her handbag. At the same time, a tall mermaid with elaborate braids strides up to the table.