Nico’s got his arms crossed over his chest. “What information are you going to be gathering in a shopping district? What styles are coming up? What’s the newest hairstyle?”

“Nico! No, just because women—females—like to dress up doesn’t mean we’re not capable of having thoughts. I need to be seen. We need to show people we’re not afraid. Plus, I need to meet more mermaids. Maybe I can find out something useful.”

“Oh right, like those two Braesen mermaids yesterday. I’m sure they’re not past their basic science levels yet.”

Belle crosses her arms over her divine chest and stands on her tiptoes, challenging Nico. “Maybe, but I bet Liora and Elandra know more secrets. If the Braesen males treat them like you did yesterday, those mermen won’t think twice about talking around them. Why mind your conversations if you think they don’t understand what’s going on? And if I give them just a microdose of kindness, I’m betting they will be willing to share it with me.”

I grip my stomach. “I still think it was too obviously a setup.”

“Yeah, I thought about it some more. You’re right. The tea shop and definitely the luncheon were both planned. But why? Maybe someone in Braesen is hoping to get a mate in our pod? I don’t know. But this is Kai’s idea. And Kai assured me that everyone will be at the promenade today. Because it’s a holiday. Apparently, it’s quite the power network of mermaids who come out.”

I glance over at Nico. His face is as twisted as my stomach. “Belle,” I plead.

“I get it, Holter. You’re worried about what might happen. But then let’s think about what else could happen. I could have a nice stroll. Meet some mermaids and learn some things. Tomorrow, I’m in a tunic with my hair in a messy bun until I translate every last bit of everything we have.”

The buzzer for the elevator goes off. My head snaps to the door as I pull out the block to look at the cameras.

“That will be Kai with her mates,” says Belle.

I have to contain my grunt. It’s tradition to let a mermaid go out with another full pod, especially if it’s the sister of someone she’s considering mating. And Kai’s mates are good guys. Even if she locked two of them in the bathroom the other day. Ellery was on a smaller sub for years before mating Kai. He’s a Tinom by birth.

“They’re all going?” I ask.

“Yes. That’s what Kai said. The whole lot of them are at their wits end because she’s pregnant and wants to go out in public. She told them I wanted to go. That’s the only reason they’re letting her. You know, the Dorian might be more advanced than humans, but there’s a lot they can learn from us. Like that kidnapping women is wrong. And we’re capable of working.”

“There are lots of females who have jobs,” Nico growls. “Important jobs. It’s just that the numbers don’t line up. When you go out, you’re going to mostly see males because that’s what most of the population are. And I’ve only kidnapped one female. And it worked out pretty well for me, so maybe there’s something to learn there?”

Belle screams. “You’re impossible.”

“I know. That’s why you love me.”

She narrows her eyes. “Yes, yes I do. So you can stop challenging me any day now.”


Belle’s fists at her sides relax, and the buzzer sounds again. “Are you going to answer that, or am I?”

“I’ll get it.” Nico turns to the door.

“Wait here, Belle. I have something I want you to take.” I rush back to the spare bedroom. In the corner of the room under a pile of Eros’s dirty laundry I find and open his tech kit. He gave me the combination to it the other day. I grab what I need and head back into the living room. When I get there, four of Kai’s mates fill the space. I turn my back to them and kiss Belle on the cheek, tucking the tech inside her corset. She twitches her eyes at me.

“Eros sends his love. I’m sure he’ll want to hear everything you learn later.”

Belle’s smile breaks out. “Of course he will. I’m sure you’ll all be enraptured by everything I have to say.”

Damn, our female is so smart. The device tucked safely next to her breasts will record everything that’s said around her within a five-meter radius. It’s the finest the assholes on the security council have to offer.

“Don’t have too much fun.” I nod at Ellery at the door. “Perhaps you can introduce Belle to some mermaids from Tinom. Or you Dar, you could introduce her to some females from Permula.”

Dar laughs. “Like our mate is going to let us introduce Annabelle to anyone. Have you ever been to one of these things, Holter?”

“No.” He knows I haven’t. Unmated geminae don’t socialize in the same way.

“Consider yourself lucky. But Annabelle, I know Kai will introduce you to anyone you want. Just let her know.”

Belle smiles. I can see that she’s nervous. Almost as nervous as Nico is furious. I’m half expecting him to come out here with the Poseidon trident and kick all of Kai’s mates out of the apartment.

“You’re sure about this, Little Krill?”