“Michio told me they’re meeting next week to form a plan for what actions will be taken against Braesen.” Eros takes a sip of his seaweed gin.

Castor nods. “Yes, Nole said the same. They’re waiting until the Omicron is back.”

“I don’t know how I feel about it. There are a lot of people who are ready to spill more blood in the water. And there’s been enough destruction.” I pass the bread to Belle. Her eyes light up.

“Speaking of destruction, I took my solo out to my other place, you know?” Eros means the place where he kept all his agent tech.

“Yes,” we all say.

“It’s gone. Not a trace of it.”

“Mmph?” Belle says around her bread.

“Gone. I thought it would be, and I’m not sad it is.” Eros wraps his arm around Belle’s chair.

I’ve been avoiding asking Nico, but he’s been deep into research on what attacked Alder. Jupiter never told us. “Any news on what B988 is?” I raise my eyebrow.

“Nothing in any of the Braesen databases that Fero can find.” Nico’s been working closely with Fero, keeping things secure. “We’re moving the podlets out to the birthing dome next week. The doctors say the females?—”

“Mermaids,” Belle corrects.

“The mermaids will be old enough that if something malfunctions with a pod they can survive. There’s a lot of people just dropping by. So many I had Atlas put a security detail on the lab.”

“Someone wants to hurt the mermaids?” Belle drops her bread onto her plate.

“No, adopt them. There’s a long waiting list.”

Belle smiles. “Oh, thank goodness.”

The meal is delicious, and we even get a few minutes without well-wishers coming over to our table.

“That was fun.” Belle holds on to my arm as we head out to the dock. Milo is there holding a basket.

“What are you doing?” Castor ruffles Milo’s hair.

“Your tunics. You’re swimming home.”

I cock my head to Belle. “We are?”

“Yes, we are. I’ve been studying, and I have a tour planned out.”

“You’re giving us a tour, Little Krill? Sounds like fun. But I can assure you there is no place in this city that I haven’t been to.”

“Oh, I know you’ve been there. But not with a guide.” She winks at Castor.

“Okay, let’s get this tour going,” I say. Our clothes, Milo, and the omada vanish out the vehicle airlock, and we slip out the swimming one.

Belle looks at Castor. He nods his head to the right. After me.

I’d follow her anywhere, with or without a fluke. But hers is the most stunning one I’ve ever seen. She kicks and the purple and blue blend sparkles in the evening light.

Castor nudges her to the left. Our first stop is just up here. It’s a gate on the side of the school yard where we all went to school.

In the middle of this gate, you’ll see sculptures, one of a male podlet and the other a female podlet. But if you look at them closely, you’ll see on this side they’re young, just starting nursery school, and on the other side you’ll see how the artist aged them, showing them ready for the world.

This is my school. I’ve seen them many times, I reply.

Okay, Holter, but do you know the artist’s name?