Page 49 of In His Office

I took the card, still trying to process everything. “Of course, I’ll let you know if I remember anything relevant.”

They turned to leave, and I dipped my head, closing the door behind them. With a heavy sigh, I swiped my hand down the line of my face, trying to take in what I’d just learned and deal with it without punching a wall or breaking something.

I wanted to kill him.

My uncle had been a thorn in my side for as long as I could remember. His involvement in the darker aspects of our family’s past had always been a source of tension and embarrassment for me. I had worked tirelessly to distance myself and my company from his shadow, but he kept dragging me into his world whether I liked it or not.

Just like he was now.

I paced the room, each step fueled by a mix of anger and worry.

Morgan slipped beside me and took my hand in hers, and suddenly it felt like I could breathe. I turned to face her, taking in her gorgeous green eyes, and mussed wavy brown locks, and the world all seemed to fall away. The light caught her face just so, highlighting both her faint blush and her cheekbones, and I was once again reminded of how beautiful she was.

“We’re going to need to do way more PR work, aren’t we?” she asked, her voice a bit hesitant.

“That we are,” I confirmed.

“Then we should probably get some rest,” she whispered.

I wrapped my arm around her waist and pulled her close, kissing the top of her head gently. She shivered in my arms, and I smirked a little at her reaction.

“I think that would be wise,” I sighed.

As much as I had been looking forward to fucking her gorgeous little ass, it was going to have to wait.

There would be plenty of time for that in the days to come.

* * *

The first thing I did the next morning was set up a meeting with my lawyers. Already, my phone was ringing off the hook with journalists, and when I’d turned on the news, the story had taken over the entirety of the morning segment.

Everyone wanted to know where Vincent Blackwater had disappeared to and if I had anything to do with it. When I glanced out my window, I saw several vans parked outside my building below, paparazzi waiting for me to emerge down on the street.

Shit was already hitting the fan, and I needed to do something about it.

In no time at all, I was in my legal team’s office with Morgan at my side. The polished table was littered with legal documents as my lead attorney cleared her throat.

“Alright, let’s go over our options for distancing your company from your uncle’s actions,” said Elizabeth. She was a sharp-minded woman, known for her strategic thinking and highly skilled at her job. She’d gotten me out of several messy situations before, and I trusted her completely.

“The first step is a public statement,” I suggested, glancing at Morgan for her input. “We need to make it clear that my business and I have no connections to Vincent’s criminal activities.”

Morgan nodded in agreement. “Absolutely. A press conference would be great. You should emphasize your efforts in ethical business practices and community contributions. It’s crucial to reinforce the distinction between your uncle’s actions and your values.”

One of my other lawyers, Thomas, chimed in. “We also need to review all past communications and transactions to ensure there’s no link that could be misconstrued as involvement or support of Vincent’s activities.”

I leaned back, processing this. “Do that. Leave no stone unturned. I want complete transparency.”

Elizabeth made a note. “We’re also preparing for any inquiries from law enforcement. You need to be ready to fully cooperate. It’ll demonstrate your commitment to resolving this situation.”

“I agree,” I said firmly. “I have nothing to hide.”

Morgan added, “Hunter, it might also be beneficial to engage more actively in community outreach programs right now. It’ll reinforce the positive image of your company.”

“That’s a good idea,” Elizabeth agreed, jotting it down. “It shows proactive engagement rather than a reactive stance.”

I nodded.

The meeting continued as we delved into the specifics of each strategy. Morgan’s contributions were invaluable, providing a fresh perspective on handling the public relations aspect of the crisis along with the legal advice from my team. I felt grateful for her support, her presence grounding me as we navigated through this messy situation together, and I started to look at her in a new light.