“Oh, it happens,” Aidan said wisely. “Does it make sense? No. Do you have any control over it whatsoever? Hell no. Good luck, buddy.”
“Thanks. That’s helpful.” Donovan downed the rest of his beer.
“So, where is this mystery woman?” Jericho asked.
“She went back to Tennessee. Kate has a life there and I have stuff here. It never would’ve worked.”
“Why not?” Deacon pressed. “People do long distance all the time. I mean, I could never do it. One day without Adri makes me crazy.”
“The whole weekend was an insane blur, so we never talked about the future.”
“But you fell for her,” Aidan stated.
It wasn’t a question.
“Yeah, I did,” Donovan admitted. “But what can I do?”
“How does she feel?” Deacon asked.
“I have no idea. I mean, I know she likes me, but this was just a weekend fling, right?” Right? “I had to let her go.”
The more he thought about it, the more Donovan wondered. Maybe he let Kate go too easily. Shit.
“I fucked up, didn’t I?” Donovan asked, dread filling his stomach.
“Yep,” Aidan said pleasantly.
“Vain is right,” Jericho said. “You should’ve hopped on her flight and made a big production of getting her back. Chicks like that shit.”
Fuck. “Should I call her?”
“I wouldn’t recommend it,” Deacon said. “She’s probably pissed. Especially if you slept with her then let her walk away without a fight.”
Donovan lowered his head. “Dammit. So, now what do I do?”
“You’re kinda fucked,” Jericho stated and polished off his beer.
“Unless you make a grand gesture.” Aidan ate another mustard-soaked pretzel bite.
Donovan placed his elbows on the table and leaned forward. “Like what?” If someone told him a year ago he’d be asking these three clowns for relationship advice, he would’ve laughed. But now that they’d all settled down, he listened intently, hoping for guidance.
“Hop on the next flight to Tennessee. Show up on her doorstep and start groveling,” Aidan informed him.
Donovan considered the idea then slowly nodded. “I can do that.”
“And hope she’s in a forgiving mood,” Deacon added, and the other men laughed as Donovan’s mind began to come up with a gameplan.
Letting Kate walk away had been the biggest mistake of his life. It was time for some damage control. And, quite possibly, some serious begging.
Chapter Twelve
Kate tried to forget about Donovan Briggs. But since she was still on vacation from work because her trip got cut short, she had all the time in the world to replay every single moment of her time with him.
And the more she thought about how easily he’d walked away from her, the more it hurt. He hadn’t even suggested they keep in touch or visit each other or talk. Then again, neither had she. With a frustrated groan, she threw herself onto her couch and stared up at the ceiling.
Maybe she should’ve encouraged him or flat-out asked what their future held. But she didn’t want to look desperate or naive. Perhaps keeping it as a weekend affair was the best thing. Since they lived so far away from each other, what did she expect? Her memories of their time together were beautiful and she would cherish them forever.
But she wanted more.