“Barely,” Donovan joked. “Snakes and waterfalls may have been involved.”

“Apparently, plane crashes, too,” Warren added dryly. “Listen, take your time. It’s Carnaval right now, so why don’t you get in tomorrow, enjoy the rest of the weekend and we’ll meet Monday morning.”

“Are you sure?”

“Yes. I have plans tomorrow, anyway.” He cleared his throat. “But, you’re safe now? At a hotel?”

“I am, thanks.”

“And where did you say you are?”


“Okay, good. Stay put for the night, get some rest and we’ll meet Monday at ten. If that works?”

“It definitely works. Thank you, Mr. Warren. I look forward to meeting you.”


Donovan slicked his wet hair back. Everything with Warren was back on track and he had a beautiful, nearly naked woman waiting for him in the next room.

The day had started out shaky, but now things were definitely looking up.

Chapter Nine

Kate glanced up when Donovan walked out of the bathroom, and her heart began to beat faster. Knowing he was naked beneath that robe made her nether regions quiver. With his black hair unbound and brushing his chin, he had a wild, almost untamed look. His shoulders appeared even broader than she remembered and, after their jungle adventure, he reminded her of Tarzan.

And, yeah, she definitely wanted to swing on his vine.

“I got us some new clothes when I was downstairs. Nothing fancy,” he said and sat down beside her on the bed.

“I saw. Thank you.”

“How’s the food?” He reached for a fork and dug into the plate of rice and black beans with chunks of mango.

“Delicious. But, then again, I could eat an anaconda despite being a vegan.”

“I’m damn happy we didn’t run into one of those. Although, a bushmaster was bad enough.” He arched a dark brow. “Vegan, huh?”

She nodded. “I do my best and usually end up cooking a lot. Tennessee isn’t exactly known for their vegan lifestyle.”

“No, I bet not. I admit, I eat it all—meat, dairy, the occasional leafy green.”

“I don’t judge.” Smiling, she speared a mango on the edge of her fork. “Did you call your investor?”

“Yeah, it went surprisingly well. He told me to stay here tonight then leave for Rio tomorrow morning. We’re meeting Monday.”

“That’s great!”

“I figured we could enjoy Carnival tomorrow. If you’re still up for it.”

Her smile turned shy. “I’d like that.”

For a moment, they ate in silence. For the first time in over twenty-four hours, they were safe and it felt good.


“Hmm?” She set her fork down and looked up into his brown eyes. God, they were mesmerizing. All light and dark swirls that reminded her of a chocolate-dipped caramel.