The chemistry between them sizzled and she lifted her leg, wrapping it around his calf, tilting her hips and urging him closer. Desire heated his blood and every last drop headed straight down to his throbbing dick. He continued to kiss her with abandon, losing himself in the moment.
And for a level-headed tech geek who believed in facts first and foremost, it was a new sensation. Soaking up every aspect of Kate left him slightly dizzy and need pulsed through his body, fast and furious. Something about her made his control dissolve and, right at that moment, there was nowhere else on Earth he’d rather be.
Without warning, Kate pulled back with a soft gasp.
“What’s wrong?”
“Something just ran up my pant leg!” She immediately jumped back and started doing a crazy dance as she hurriedly undid her jeans, tearing them off with a shriek.
Donovan grabbed her arms to steady her. “You okay?”
But, she didn’t answer, just bent over and checked her legs.
Donovan crouched down in front of her, skimming a hand up her leg and over her calf, holding the back of her knee and searching for any red marks. “Did you get bit? Stung?”
“Right here,” she murmured and turned her leg slightly to expose her inner thigh. “And here.”
And that’s the moment Donovan realized he was eye level with a very sexy pair of pale pink lace panties. Swallowing hard, he forced his attention down to the red bumps swelling up on the inside of her thigh.
Donovan circled the pad of his finger around one of the growing welts. “Do they hurt? Any dizziness or numbness?” His mind zoomed back to his military days as he tried to recall all of the things he’d learned about harmful snake and insect bites.
“Just stings,” she murmured, hands on his shoulders. “I hope it wasn’t venomous. Whatever it was.”
Although if there was venom involved, he’d gladly volunteer to suck it out. Ah, shit. Giving his head a shake, Donovan released her leg and slowly stood back up. “Let’s check your jeans.”
Walking over, he carefully picked up the denim and shook it. After a few more shakes, a centipede fell out. “Yeah, that’s what I guessed. A giant centipede. Although this one is still a baby.”
Kate wrapped her arms around herself and took a step back. “That’s a baby?”
“Yeah, considering they grow up to a foot long.”
“Want me to step on him?” Although he was half-joking, he would do it if she asked. Hell, right now, he was ready to do anything she wanted.
“Um, no, that’s okay. This is his home, not mine. And, I swear, I’m usually much more comfortable in the wild. I’m an outdoorsy kind of girl who spends most of her time hiking.”
“Not many giant centipedes or tarantulas where you’re from, huh?” he asked.
“No,” she murmured. “I’m more used to running into foxes, deer, raccoons and the occasional black bear back home in Tennessee.”
“Bears? That would have me running for the hills,” he admitted, handing her jeans back.
She took them, her face turning scarlet. “Thanks.”
“I’ll, ah, wait for you over there.” Giving her some privacy, he walked ahead a little and rounded a large tree, grabbing his t-shirt and pulling it on. If that damn centipede hadn’t interrupted them, he might’ve been the one in her pants. Lucky little bastard.
Focus, D.
Reaching into his bag, he plucked the flash drive out and placed it in a secure section of his wallet. Just to be safe. He tucked the wallet back in his jeans, crossed his arms and sighed. His meeting was tomorrow morning. Bright and early. Yeah, it was Saturday, but billionaires and hackers didn’t stop working just because it was the weekend or Carnival. If they didn’t find a village or bus and get to Rio within the next twenty-four hours, Donovan was going to miss it. Which wouldn’t impress Kent Warren, his potential investor.
Donovan pinched the bridge of his nose. He couldn’t screw this up, but he was currently lost in the middle of the jungle. If he could find a phone and explain the situation, maybe Mr. Warren might consider rescheduling. Hell, it wasn’t Donovan’s fault his plane crashed. But a man like Warren might not be available to meet for another month or two. That was the best-case scenario. More than likely, he’d tell Donovan to forget it. Billionaires were hard enough to pin down for one meeting and ask for money, much less two.
“Shit,” Donovan hissed under his breath.
“Everything okay?” Kate moved up beside him. “Find a centipede in your pants, too?” she joked.
“No.” He couldn’t help but chuckle. But maybe an anaconda, he thought wickedly. Then he sighed again and ran his hands over his face. “It’s just…I’m supposed to have a big meeting tomorrow and I’m pretty sure I’m going to miss it.”