“Grind against me, Kate.” He didn’t need to tell her twice. Circling her hips, she rubbed her core against his very hard cock and dug her nails into his biceps. When his hand slid down her stomach into her panties, fingers finding her clit, she nearly wept. “That’s it, baby. Use my hand.”

Donovan knew exactly how to touch her and Kate let go. Her hips bucked as he sank a finger deep while his thumb continued to tease her swollen clit. With the water pounding down on them, Kate jerked as jolts of pleasure shot through her entire body. God. She’d never orgasmed this hard or fast before.

With a sharp cry, her entire body convulsed as she came. After a breathy gasp, she fell against Donovan’s chest, trying to catch her breath, pulsing with aftershocks. He moved them away from the waterfall and pressed a kiss to her shoulder. Kate finally managed to lift her head, feeling dazed and exhausted after experiencing the orgasm of a lifetime.

And now she didn’t know what to say. Thank you? Your turn? Can I keep you? If his fingers were that magical, she could only imagine what his cock was capable of.

“As much as I’d like to keep playing with this luscious body of yours, it’s probably best if we keep moving.”

His words were an understandable but disappointing cold shower, and she had to force a nod of agreement as he released her in the shallow end. She took a wobbly step back and his hand instantly shot out to steady her.

His mouth edged up in a wicked smile. “Okay?”

“Never been better. But what happened to my…” She was looking around for her bra when he lifted his arm and she saw it dangling from his index finger.

“Looking for this?”

Kate reached over and snagged it. As she quickly slipped it on, her gaze dropped to the front of his tented briefs. “You’re sure you don’t want to hang out here a little longer? Maybe I could help you with—”

Donovan lurched forward, slapped a hand over Kate’s mouth and her eyes widened. “Shh,” he whispered in her ear. The sound of low, approaching voices filled the air. “Hurry, get dressed.”

Oh, shit. Kate nodded then quickly spun around, stepped out of the water and grabbed her clothes. Somebody was coming and they might need to make a fast exit.

Chapter Eight

Getting Kate off beneath the waterfall had been the highlight of this whole jungle adventure. She was so responsive, so eager, and the moment she’d offered to return the favor, they’d been interrupted. Donovan inwardly groaned. Running through the jungle with a massive hard-on wasn’t his idea of a good time.

Hopefully it wouldn’t come to that. But, just in case, he tried to think not-naked-Kate thoughts as they hunkered down in the underbrush, well-concealed from the approaching men. As they stepped into view, Donovan squinted, assessing the situation. Two armed tangoes. Dammit. He’d been hoping to run into friendlies from a nearby village then hop on the first bus to Rio.

Although he didn’t choose the SEAL teams as a career, the extensive training had been ingrained into him. He was pretty sure he could handle these guys easily enough on his own, but he worried about Kate. The last thing he wanted to do was get her caught in the crossfire. So, Donovan decided it was best to lay low and bide their time. Once these guys left, they could continue their trek.

Keeping his eyes on the men he dubbed Assault and Battery, Donovan kept a reassuring hand on Kate’s arm as they patiently waited for the duo to pass. Slight movement caught his eye and Donovan’s attention slanted sideways, settling on a brown snake flicking its forked tongue.

Fuck. It was a bushmaster, the largest pit viper in the world, and its beady eyes were trained on Donovan. He squeezed Kate’s arm. “Don’t move,” he hissed in the lowest voice possible. The last thing he wanted to do was alarm a creature that was infamous for biting repeatedly, and at great speed, with their two-inch fangs which delivered large amounts of venom. Hell, they were even known to chase after anything they considered a threat.

She instantly tensed beneath his touch. Even though her breathing picked up, she remained frozen in place. They needed to slowly edge back and move away from the venomous snake, but Assault and Battery were taking their good ol’ time, as if they were out for a Sunday fucking stroll.

Gritting his teeth, Donovan knew they couldn’t wait much longer. The snake looked like it was getting agitated. Hell, they were probably near its nest and, God forbid, that nest had eggs in it.

Moving as slowly and silently as possible, Donovan carefully guided Kate backwards. He kept his eyes on the bushmaster, praying it didn’t start rattling the spine on the tip of its tail. At the first sign of that, they were fucked because it meant an attack would be imminent.

Amazingly, they crept back without incident. Releasing a breath, Donovan cursed inwardly when one of the men turned and spotted them. Fuck. Frying pan, fire.

“Lá!” he yelled. Over there!

“C’mon!” Donovan grabbed Kate’s hand and they took off, bent over and trying to stay low as gunfire filled the air. The two thugs chased after them, bullets pinging off tree bark and splitting palm fronds.

Dodging around a fallen tree, they hurried forward. Up ahead, Donovan could see the river and his heart sped up. It was rougher in this area with some rapids, but it was their best chance to escape. Kate began to slow down, but he tugged her along.

“Into the water! And don’t let go!” When they reached the edge, they leaped into the rapids and were instantly swept away from their pursuers. Keeping his eyes open for submerged logs and rocks, Donovan did his best to guide them. But, the currents were deceptively strong and their hands were ripped apart.

“Donovan!” Kate screamed, and he watched helplessly as she spun away from him, caught in a watery maelstrom.

“Kate!” He lunged for her, missed, then slammed into a rock. Knocked sideways, Donovan cursed as the rough water dragged him further away from her. There was no point trying to swim against the current, so he let it pull him along. Hopefully, the river would calm down again soon and they could climb out.

So much for that, Donovan thought dryly, his gaze locking in on the deadly sight ahead. A waterfall. And he had no idea how high up they were or how powerful the falls would be. There was no escaping it, though, and he sucked in a deep breath as the powerful current swept him right over the edge.
