Donovan paused, chest puffing out slightly. “Smartest and toughest, huh?”
“Remember, I don’t get out much,” she teased.
“Smartass.” They started walking again. “Okay, how about we make a deal? I’ll pet a monkey if you go hang gliding with me.”
Although hang gliding in Rio was a bucket list item for many people, Kate much preferred keeping her feet on the ground. But she’d just said she needed to take more chances, be more exciting. “Deal,” she said and stuck her hand out.
When Donovan reached his large hand over and wrapped his fingers around hers, holding it a moment too long, she felt a warm zing of electricity. “I’m holding you to it,” he murmured, his eyes filling with heat.
She tossed him a smirk. Maybe if she was really lucky, he’d be holding her down on a bed later, too. Pulling her hand back and giving her head a clearing shake, she focused her attention on the path ahead, keeping an eye open for any hazards. She had to keep her wits about her, but as the hours rolled by, she was looking forward to getting to Rio more than she’d ever looked forward to anything else in her life.
The unbearable heat and humidity continued to grow with every passing minute. They’d finished the last of the bottled water they were sharing and Kate was parched. Her clothes had never fully dried out because of the constant moisture in the air and she felt clammy and uncomfortable. There was nothing worse than wet, chafing denim.
Donovan paused. “You hear that?”
Kate tilted her head, listening closely to the sounds of the jungle around her.
“Sounds like running water,” he continued. “We should see if it’s drinkable. Boil some and fill that empty bottle.”
Kate nodded, her dry tongue like sandpaper in her mouth. After walking a little further, they broke through a wall of thick vines and Kate’s jaw dropped at the image before them. It was like they’d stepped into a magical world with a beautiful waterfall cascading into a pool of crystal blue.
“Oh, wow,” she murmured. They walked across spongy, emerald green grass and when they reached the pool, Donovan was already pulling his shirt off.
“I’m going in,” he announced. “Look away if you’re shy.”
He didn’t give her much warning and, truth be told, the last thing she wanted to do was look away as he stripped down to a pair of black boxer briefs. Swallowing hard, admiring his perfect body, she faced another choice—be Cautious Kate and turn around to give him privacy, or embrace a new, bolder, upgraded version of herself.
Licking her lips, she watched him wade into the clear blue pool, her eyes skimming down his smooth back, lean waist and coming to an abrupt halt on his firm peach of an ass before he dove below the surface. She bit the inside of her cheek and began unbuttoning her shirt, fingers fumbling. He’d already seen her without pants, so what was the big deal? Besides, she was so damn hot and wanted to rinse the sweat off.
Even though she was doing her best to look cool and act in control, undressing in front of a man she barely knew was a very big deal. Kate was modest and Brett had made her feel frumpy and undesirable every chance he’d gotten. At least her lingerie was sexy, she thought, letting the shirt slide off her shoulders and drop to the ground.
Donovan popped up, slicking his hair back, turned and froze. She could feel his gaze on her as she shimmied out of her damp jeans and shook her hair out of its low ponytail, letting her dark locks loose. Goodbye, Cautious Kate. And good riddance. She took a step into the cool water. It felt like heaven.
As she waded deeper, Donovan treaded water and watched her with hooded eyes. Digging deep, telling herself to be brave, she forced herself to swim closer to him. He met her halfway and there was no missing the lusty fire rising in his gorgeous, almond-shaped eyes.
“Do you have any idea—?” His voice cracked and he cleared his throat, regrouping. “You should be walking a Victoria’s Secret runway wearing those huge angel wings.”
“Hardly,” she whispered.
He swam closer and brushed a wet strand of hair off her face. “Definitely,” he rasped.
“I didn’t always wear fancy lingerie. But, I had an ex who said I was frumpy and couldn’t be more vanilla in my plain white sports bra. Gives a girl a complex.” Even though she tried to keep her tone light, her heart grew heavy at the memory, once again reminding her of all the unkind things Brett used to say.
“Your ex sounds like a goddamn idiot.” Donovan reached over, grabbed her waist beneath the water and dragged her closer. “Because, baby, you could make anything look sexy. And, if you’re vanilla, then that just became my new favorite flavor.”
Before she could respond, his mouth crashed against hers. Kate tipped her head back, allowing him access, and slid her arms up, circling his neck. They kissed passionately and she wrapped her legs around his waist, moaning softly as his cock brushed her core. Excitement threaded through every nerve ending and she rubbed herself against his hardness, yearning for a deeper sense of closeness.
God, it had been too long. She’d forgotten what sex was like. The saddest part was she’d never known what a good partner could bring to the table. Right now, she was on fire and Donovan was getting her more worked up than she’d ever been in her life.
He kissed down the side of her neck, fanning the flames coursing through her as his hand found its way between their bodies, rounding over her breast. A whimper escaped her as he molded and massaged, thumbing her nipple into a tight, little peak.
Her breathing turned into fast, desperate pants and she sucked his tongue into her mouth. She needed this, needed him. Of course, there was nothing practical about what they were doing or where they were doing it. But Kate didn’t care. No man had ever made her feel half the things Donovan was right now and she didn’t ever want to let go of him.
Somehow, Donovan maneuvered them beside the waterfall where he could touch the bottom. Her bra loosened and slid free. Dropping her head back as his mouth closed over a wet, puckered nipple, Kate felt the cool spray of water on her face. But it did nothing to quench the heat spiking through her body.
“You taste so good,” he rasped between licks and nips as he worshiped every single square inch of her skin. She wanted more, needed to know what it felt like when he plunged deep inside her. “I need to feel you, Kate.”
It’s as though they were on the same desperate page. She wriggled against him and he groaned, cupping her ass and lifting her higher.