Tears glisten in her green eyes as she looks up at me. "I don't want to cause problems for you, Mitch. You've already done so much just by letting me in the door and feel like I'm in a safe space for a while."

I shake my head firmly. "Letting you walk out of here alone is not an option. You came to me for help and that's exactly what you're going to get. My team is on board, no matter what it takes."

She bites her lip, uncertainty still clouding her features. I gently tug her back into the room, ignoring the curious stares from Jett and Dillon.

"Listen, why don't we get out of here for a bit? Let me take you to lunch and we can talk more about the plan moving forward."

Brooke hesitates, glancing between me and the guys. "I don't know..."

"Please," I coax softly. "You've been through a lot. Let me at least make sure you get a decent meal before we dive into all the heavy stuff."

She relents with a small nod and I guide her out of the office, my hand resting lightly on the small of her back. As we step into the bright sunlight, I catch Dillon's eye over my shoulder, giving him a subtle nod. He returns it, understanding passing between us. They'll hold down the fort and start digging into Vince Richards' background while I focus on Brooke.

The drive into town is quiet, Brooke staring out the window with distant eyes. I steal glances at her as I navigate the winding roads, taking in the dark circles beneath her eyes and the way she absently twists her fingers in her lap. She looks exhausted, like she hasn't had a moment's peace in far too long.

I pull around to the parking lot in the back of the Mountaineer Steakhouse. The restaurant was on the square but overflow parking was necessary for the Mountaineer. It was packed every single day.

"I thought we were going to one of those trendy cafes in town," she says.

I flash her a grin. "Nah, this place has the best burgers in Montana. Trust me. But I suppose it could be considered somewhat trendy since it's always packed and the food is to die for. They have really good steaks if that's what you're in the mood for."

A ghost of a smile touches her lips and warmth unfurls in my chest. It's a start.

We slide into a corner booth and I wave off the menus the waitress tries to hand us. "Two specials, please. And two coffees."

Brooke raises a brow as the waitress walks away. "Ordering for me now? I actually have been here before even though it was a few years ago."

I shrug, unrepentant. "Like I said, best burgers around. Though the cherry pie is a close second if you're feeling adventurous."

She lets out a soft laugh and it's like music to my ears. But too soon, the shadows creep back into her eyes and her smile fades.

"Mitch, I... I don't know how to thank you for everything you're doing. But I'm scared. Vince is relentless when he wants something. What if he comes after you guys too for helping me?"

I reach across the table to cover her hand with mine, feeling the slight tremor in her fingers. "Brooke, I want you to listen to me. What you're doing, standing up to him and getting out, it takes a hell of a lot of courage. And you don't have to face him alone anymore. I won't rest until I know you're safe."

She meets my gaze, her eyes searching mine as if trying to find any hint of deception. I hold steady, willing her to see the sincerity in my words.

"You really mean that," she says softly, almost to herself. "But why? Why are you putting yourself on the line for me?"

I squeeze her hand gently. "Because no one deserves to live in fear, Brooke. And because when you showed up on my doorstep, I saw a fighter. Someone who's been through hell but still has the strength to keep going. I admire that. And I protect what I admire."



As we sit at the table waiting for our lunch to arrive, my mind wanders. I'm lost in thought, reflecting on the stark contrast between the genuine care and attention Mitch showers upon me and the treatment I endured from Vincent. Mitch allows me a few moments of silence, his patience and understanding evident in his demeanor.

I think back to the early days of my relationship with Vincent, remembering how his initial humor and ability to make me laugh gradually revealed a darker side. His jokes, once lighthearted and amusing, turned cruel, often at the expense of his friends and even me. I recall the discomfort I felt as he mocked and belittled those around him, yet I stayed silent, afraid to rock the boat.

Shame and regret wash over me as I grapple with the realization that I stayed with Vincent despite recognizing his nastiness towards others. His toxic behavior left him virtually friendless and at odds with nearly everyone in his life, including his own father. I wonder how I could have been so blind, so willing to overlook the red flags that were so glaringly obvious in hindsight.

"Brooke?" Mitch's voice pulls me from my thoughts. "You okay?"

I meet his concerned gaze and manage a small smile. "Yeah, I'm just... thinking about everything."

He reaches across the table and gives my hand a gentle squeeze. "I'm sure there's alot going on in your head. Maybe try to relax for a while. Enjoy lunch. Everything's gonna be fine."

I nod. Here I am, sitting across from a man who genuinely wants to help me, who sees me as more than just a possession to control. I chose the right place to run to and I'm truly thankful to be sitting here right now.