Relief floods her features and for the first time I catch a glimpse of the strong, resilient woman beneath the fear. "I... I don't know how to thank you. I can pay you. I have a little bit of money saved up."

I wave off her gratitude and her offer of payment, my mind already churning with the beginnings of a plan. "Don't mention it. And I'm not taking your money. Now, let's focus on keeping you safe from that dirtbag ex of yours. What's his name?"

Her answering smile is genuine this time, transforming her face from merely pretty to breathtaking. It stirs an unfamiliar flutter in my chest. Maybe it's just my protective instincts in overdrive but I feel an inexplicably strong pull towards this woman I've only just met.

"His name is Vince. Vince Richards."

I don't care how well-connected or determined this guy is. I’ll do whatever it takes to ensure Brooke's safety and give her back her peace of mind. Her well-being has suddenly become the most important goal in my life.

So as I sit back and think about Brooke's story, I feel the electric tingle of attraction mingling with the iron-clad drive to protect. I have an inkling she's probably going to break my heart. I've never been that great with women, so the Beautiful Brooke Phillips may be just the one to break me completely.

One thought rises above the rest - this damn Vince Richards character better watch his back.

"Don't worry, Brooke," I say softly but with steel in my voice. "You're with me now. And I promise, I won't let anything happen to you."



I take a deep breath as I sit across the desk from Mitch Blaze. The stark contrast between my slight frame and his imposing presence no longer intimidates me. He's promised to protect me and I believe him.

"I've got the basics, but tell me a little more if you don't mind." His tone was measured and steady.

"We started dating about six months ago. He was fun and sweet at first. I moved in with him about a month ago and things changed my first night there."

"How did things change?" He tilts his head as he waits for my answer.

I pause, swallowing hard as I feel the familiar sting of tears. "The first night he got mad because I didn't put my suitcase where he wanted it to go. That turned into a fight. And after that, he picked fights over everything."

I notice a brief flicker of anger cross Blaze's features as I recount the a few of the petty arguments. This fleeting show of displeasure over my troubles serves as an affirmation and makes me feel seen and validated in ways I haven't felt in a long time.

"About the beginning of the third week, I told him I thought I needed to move back into my apartment." I pause, swallowing hard. "But he told me he'd broken the lease for me and paid my broken lease penalty. I was furious. He gave everything in my place away to the Goodwill. I was livid. He said he thought he was doing me a favor and acted all hurt that I didn't appreciate his grand gesture."

"So things escalated from arguing to him almost hitting you last night?" Blaze's brow furrows, and I can see the concern etched on his face. "Brooke, I'm so sorry you've had to go through that. No one deserves to be treated that way." He leans forward, his gaze unwavering. "But I'm going to do everything in my power to make sure Vince can't get to you again."

I nod, feeling a glimmer of hope ignite within me. "Thank you, Mr. Blaze. I don't know what I would have done if I hadn't found your office."

"Please, just drop the Mr. Most people call me Blaze," he says, his voice softening. "And you don't have to thank me. It's the least I can do."

I offer him a tentative smile, feeling a spark of connection between us that I haven't experienced in a long time. "You know if it's all the same to you, I'd like to call you Mitch. You're worthy of being called your first name and it' a manly first name if you don't mind me pointing that out."

"Works for me, Brooke. You can call me any name you want to call me." He chuckled as he smiled genuinely for the first time since I met him.

Mitch's jovial mood changed in record time as he seemed to turn back into problem solving mode. He offered me a place to stay inside the security firm that also had living quarters for operatives who were passing though and needed a place to land for a while.

The offer echoed in my mind. It was like a lifeline thrown to a woman bobbing around in in turbulent seas. The apartment he mentioned was just upstairs, a safe haven within these fortified walls. Yet, the notion of being under the same roof as him, as comforting as his protection might be, sent ripples of hesitation through me. My recent experiences had taught me to be wary of men and their promises.

"I understand if this is all a bit overwhelming for you, Brooke," Mitch said, reading my expression with unnerving accuracy. "But I assure you, your safety is my priority."

I weighed his words, searching his face for any sign of deceit. There was none. All I saw was the steadfast resolve of a man who had faced danger head-on and now stood ready to shield others from it. Specifically me, a total stranger who just happened to show up in his lobby needing help.

"It's not that I don't trust you..." My voice trailed off as I grappled with the contradiction of my feelings.

Mitch leaned back in his chair, the creak of leather punctuating the silence that stretched between us. "It's okay to be cautious after what you've been through."

A hesitant nod was all I could muster. Trust didn't come easy anymore, but what choice did I have? Vince was out there, and I was exposed. Mitch's offer was more than a place to stay. It was a chance at safety, at reclaiming a piece of myself.

"All right," I whispered, the word feeling like both a surrender and a victory. "I'll stay."