Risking a glance at Skylar, my suspicions are confirmed— she’s blushing nearly as hard as my brother is.
Sky’s crush on the Hawks’ captain is the worst-kept secret in the NHL. And while I’m sure he feels the same way about her, Skylar still has her work cut out for her. Sawyer is a Boy Scout on and off the ice. He carries the weight of the team— and its image— on his shoulders.
“Footie pajamas?” Erik’s deep voice rumbles through my chest, dripping with mock concern. “The kind with the bunny ears? Don’t worry, Cap. Your secret is safe with me.”
Laughter ripples through the room as Sawyer flips Erik the bird with both hands.
“I agree with Sawyer,” Skylar pulls a small notepad from the pocket of her scrubs. “Not his sleepwear choices— I run too hot for fuzzy pajamas. But it is my professional medical opinion that your injuries have healed well enough for you to rejoin the team.”
Erik laughs so hard that I worry he might hurt himself again. Sawyer’s blush deepens to a hot crimson that creeps down his neck. Judging by the slack jaw and glazed look in his eyes, my brother is still processing Skylar’s offhanded sleepwear comment.
“Yas is at a sports medicine conference until Friday— Sunday if Emerson can convince her to expense report the hotel. So enjoy your last few days of freedom.” Sky tears off a piece of paper, handing it over to Erik. “In the meantime, I’ll have these muscle relaxers sent over to the pharmacy.”
Erik wrinkles his brow in confusion.
“I thought you said I was better. What are the pills for?” He turns the prescription over in his hands a couple of times before giving up on deciphering Skylar’s chicken scratch. “My leg doesn’t hurt anymore.”
This time it’s Skylar who laughs.
“I can’t have you reinjuring yourself as soon as I give you the green light.” She might be speaking to Erik, but Skylar is looking right at me now. “Make sure he takes one at the first sign of pain relapse. Especially after any especially strenuous activity.”
It’s my turn to borrow the family blush, especially when Erik’s grin widens in understanding.
We haven’t exactly been hiding our relationship. There’s nothing in either of our contracts preventing it, and I dare anyone to question my commitment to this team. Hell, half of the Snowhawks are involved with a member of the staff in some way.
Still, this is the first time we’ve talked about “us” in public— or at all. Acknowledging our connection makes it more real somehow. My heart thumps erratically in my chest when Erik takes my hand, intertwining our fingers with the quiet affection that comes so naturally to him.
“So you’re certain I won’t injure myself?” Erik kisses the back of my fingers absently. “Even if I stress the area?”
Sawyer all but leaps out of his chair before Erik says another word.
“Gotta run— I think I left the stove on.” He claps his hands over his ears and rushes toward the door. “Lalalala I can’t hear you.”
My laugh dissolves into a groan as I look between Erik and Skylar. He’s all but asking for permission to fuck me and we all know it.
“Well, if it hurts, stop.” To her credit, Sky’s professionalism doesn’t falter. “Take it slow to start with, alright?”
Erik flashes her a rare smile.
“I promise you, we will have to take it slow.”
Heat creeps back up into my cheeks. Despite two weeks of practice, Erik still has trouble getting more than two of his big fingers inside me. I have no idea how I’m going to take his cock.
I might die on that dick— and I can’t think of a better way to go. The last two weeks have been amazing, but I’m so pent-up and frustrated that I might combust. I want Erik— all of him.
“Alright,” Skylar retreats after my brother. “I think that’s my cue to leave. You two kids have fun. Have the car home by midnight.”
As soon as the door closes behind her, I’m flooded with emotion. Relief, joy, excitement. Desire.
I throw myself at Erik, wrapping my arms around him in the tightest hug I can manage. One of the best parts of dating a Viking is how solid he is. I squeeze with every ounce of those emotions, unafraid of hurting him.
The kiss is an assault on all my senses. His tongue slips against mine, overwhelming me. His scent fills me, that heady mixture of wood smoke and musk that’s uniquely Erik. His arms pull me tight against him, grinding his erection against me.
I swallow hard, wondering if we’ll make it back to his house before—
“I’ll pick you up at four,” Erik drops one last kiss against my lips. “Wear comfortable shoes.”
Confusion, disappointment, and frustration crash into me in waves.