“Come, now, love. Maura, come,” Rory said. She did then, her torso bowing up off the bed further as she screamed Rory’s name. Tears filled her eyes and slipped down her cheeks. She didn’t care.
“Fuck, yeah, that’s it. All those little ripples, Maura,” Rory groaned. “Look at me.”
Maura forced her eyes open as Zeke moved away. Rory thrust into her one last time, his gaze on hers and came.
Moments later, he released her and settled on top of her. He threaded his fingers through her hair and smiled at her. It felt as if she had just won another award. Without taking his gaze from hers, he bent his head and brushed his mouth over hers.
“Thanks, Maura. That was truly special.”
She felt the mattress move beside them and she looked at Zeke who was smiling at them. He leaned forward and gave her a kiss too.
“It was. How do you feel?”
She sighed. “Satisfied.”
Rory laughed and kissed her neck.
“And tired,” she added.
“We all need rest.”
She looked at Rory. “Thank you.” Then she looked at Zeke. “Thank you both for that.”
“You’re most welcome, love,” Zeke said.
Rory slipped out of her and then off the bed. Zeke pulled her into his arms.
“You sure you’re alright?”
She nodded as Rory joined them in bed behind her. He scooted up behind her and rested is arm across her and then over Zeke’s back.
“Good. Now everyone shut the bloody hell up. I need rest.”
Zeke and Maura laughed. The concerns she had were still there, but at the moment, she felt too damned good to care.
Maura woke up a few hours later. She kept her eyes closed while she snuggled against Zeke.
“Well isn’t that the cat ate the canary look?” Zeke said, his voice a low rumble against her ear.
She opened her eyes and found him smiling down at here. There was very little sun shinning through the windows, so she knew the sun was setting. Was there anyone who could resist this man? Why would anyone want to?
“Sorry, but after that, any woman in her right mind would feel that way.”
He chuckled and she lifted herself up off his chest. The bed was empty except for them. “Where’s Rory?”
“Went out for a run.”
“Ugh, don’t tell me he is some kind of fitness geek.”
“No, but I have a feeling he couldn’t stick around.”
She blinked knowing she was missing something by his tone. Before today, she would have never asked, but now she would. “Why?”
Zeke slipped his hand up to cup her jaw. “He knew that you might have been a sub, but he is...a little more extreme than what you are accustomed to. He didn’t push you that far today.”
She shivered in delight. She had a few things she wanted to try and she hoped that Rory was up for it.