Page 117 of Rough Fantasy

“She’s not a baby anymore. You need to show her more respect.”

He nodded.

“Granted, I expected more from Rory and especially Zeke, but I have a feeling Maura will take care of them.”

“I’m seriously thinking about shooting Zeke. He should know better. I’ll just kill Rory.”

“Shooting your business partner is probably not a good idea.” She saw something out the window and was relieved to see a rental car drive up. It parked behind her jeep and both men stepped out of the car. “Besides, she would probably get mad at you.”

“Figures. Women.” He said it with such disgust she smiled.

She gave him a quick kiss. “And, just like you, they didn’t do it on purpose. You were trying to protect her.”

He sighed. “Maybe I won’t feel like kicking their asses if I don’t see them for a month or two. Or a year.”

“You’re going to have to deal with them sooner than that.”

His brow furrowed. “What?”

“They’re here.”

His head whipped around and he growled. She tried to hold onto him, but he escaped her grasp and stalked outside. Jillian hurried behind him and almost got slammed in the face with the screen door.

“You have some real fucking nerve showing up here,” he yelled.

Both men readied for a fight. She glanced toward the beach and was thankful that Maura was far enough away so she wouldn’t pick up on the fight.

When Jillian turned around, she was alarmed to see Conner grabbing Zeke by the shirt.

“Stop,” she yelled running toward the three of them.

Her neighbor Adam was already running down the path to help Conner.

She inserted herself between the two friends.

“Move, Jillian, I can take him,” Zeke said.

“No you won’t. I’m not going to have you brawl out here like a bunch of seventeen-year-old assholes. Let go of Zeke.”

It took Conner a second or two to finally look at her. “They hurt her.”

“And how do you think she’ll feel when she finds you two up here rolling around on the ground.”

“I can take him,” Zeke said again, his voice vicious. “He is getting a little old.”

She rolled her eyes. “Can it, Zeke.”

With a disgusted huff, Conner shoved Zeke away. Rory, who had been quiet up until then, stepped forward.

“Tell you what. Let us talk to her. If she’s still pissed at us, you can kick Zee’s ass.”

“Thanks a lot, you ass,” Zeke said.

“Fine,” Conner said.

Rory looked at Jillian. “Where is she?”

“On the beach,” she said nodding her head in the direction where she had seen Maura.