Page 114 of Rough Fantasy



“You think I am going to cry over those jackasses?” The last of it came out on a sob.

“Yes, and then we can plot revenge.” She took Maura into her arms. And for the first time in days, Maura broke down and cried.


A day later, Rory was climbing the walls. He just didn’t know how hard it would be without having Maura in their lives. And it had been less than twenty-four hours. When they had returned and she’d ignored them, it had been bad. This was impossible.

“Quit pacing, you’re making my head hurt.”

He snarled at Zeke. The man didn’t understand. He was always so fucking calm and cool. Rory used to think that he could read him, but right now, he couldn’t. He thought the bastard would be ready to go get Maura, but he wasn’t. He was sitting there behind his desk. Damn fool.

Rory stopped in front of the large window and looked down on Miami. He never would have thought a city like this would appeal to him. So many people, hot weather...but he realized for the first time he was home. Or he had been before everything had gone to hell. Without Maura with them, it felt wrong. He needed her as much as he needed Zeke, and that scared the fucking bloody hell out of him.

“You know, if you would work, it would be easier.”

He rolled his shoulders. It was the only thing that kept him from hitting Zeke in the back of the head.

“I don’t have anything to work on right now.”

“Yes, you do. Sanders wants an estimate on the security for that fundraiser. You need to come up with how many men we need for it so I can work it up.”

“And just like that, you expect me to go back to work, pretend everything is alright?”

“What else can we do? She chose to leave. We have to let her go. Besides, it wasn’t like it was more than an affair.”

“What the fuck does that mean?”

Zee sighed. “From the beginning you didn’t want anything to happen. But then, all the sudden you were interested. You don’t think I know why you did that? Come on, after knowing you most of your life I think I know you well enough to understand your motives.”

Rory shook his head. “I did it for you. You were sitting here pining over her.”

For a moment a flash of anger slid over Zeke’s face. The fact that it made him satisfied, also made him feel small.

“Really? So it has nothing to do with controlling the situation?”

“I was attracted to her.”

Zee snorted. “Any man would be, if they were smart. But, that wasn’t it, was it? You were worried about my relationship with her. It’s the only reason you came here. You knew that there was something there between Maura and me and it was driving you crazy that you couldn’t control the situation. So, you come here, hook back up with me, then bring her in.”

“I came back because I love you,” he said. It was the truth. There was no sense hiding it because he knew that Zeke already understood the depths of his feelings for him.

“Ah, but what of Maura? What do you feel about her?”

“Fuck, I love her too,” he shouted. Then, he stopped his pacing. Dammit, he did love her. She was a goof, someone who could always crack a joke. Seeing her pain the last few weeks had been one of the most debilitating things he had confronted. When she hurt, he hurt.

“About bloody time you admitted it,” Zeke muttered as he stood. He turned off his computer and started toward the door.

“Where the fuck are you going?”

Zee turned and faced him. “To Maura.”


He jogged to catch up with him. “What are you doing? Dammit, Zee, stop.”