Page 109 of Rough Fantasy

“Let’s search the house and grounds. I’ll talk to Conner.”

He dialed Conner’s number. “I can’t find her, Conner. She’s missing.”

“Fuck. He has her, I know it,” Conner said, voicing Zeke’s greatest fears.

“This isn’t his stomping grounds, so I have no idea where he would have taken her.”

Rory ran up, shaking his head. Then, his phone went off. It was Maura’s ring.

“Maura, love, where are you?” He frowned. “Maura? She’s not saying anything.”

“Maybe she can’t.”

“Can’t what?”

“Maura called Rory.”

“She might be trying to give you the opportunity to trace her. I’ll call it in and then get back with you.”

The phone clicked off.

Rory was still trying to talk to Maura. “Maura, love, we know you’re there. Just let us know where you are.”

Still no answer. They felt helpless as they stood in front of her house and waited for her brother to call back. It didn’t take long.

“He’s heading to the docks,” Conner said.

“We got a location,” he said and Rory started up the car.

“We’ll get her, Conner, don’t worry.”

“I’m calling the FBI and I am sure they will call Miami PD. If anything happens to her, I will kill you.”

And that was the end of the conversation.

“He’s pissed.”

“I’m sure he is. Gun in the glove compartment. You have yours?”


“We’ll get there, Zee, I promise.”

He knew that, he just hoped they got there in time.


Maura sucked in a deep breath and winced from the pain. Fuck, she was pretty sure the bastard cracked a rib or two when he tossed her in the trunk of his car. She slowly opened her eyes. She tried to move her arms but found them tied behind. She was in some sort of storage area or warehouse. She didn’t know the area, that was for sure.

“It’s about time you woke up, girlie,” he said.

She turned in the direction of the voice. A shard of pain radiated from her head through her body. A wave of nausea hit her and she closed her eyes for a second.

When she knew she had it under control, she opened them again and looked at the man who attacked her. It wasn’t anyone she had met before. This man was tall, dark, with blue eyes. If he hadn’t abducted her she might be attracted to him. Until she studied his eyes. There was something so cold that she shivered.

His accent hit her.

“You have nothing to do with Petersen.”