Rory just prayed Zee’s wishes became reality. He wasn’t sure just how much he take.
“I love you, Zee.”
“I love you too.”
But now the love seemed incomplete…as if something was missing. Something was—or he should say someone. They needed Maura, because Rory wasn’t sure how long Zee and he would last without her.
Maura gripped the wheel tighter as she drove home. Maybe the guys were right. Maybe she was imagining things. But something was wrong. Really wrong. Could be that she hadn’t had a good night’s sleep since the attack. The only time she had slept had been the few nights Rory and Zeke had stayed over.
She was not about to admit that though. She thought they might be one step away from calling her brother to commit her.
She pulled off the highway and rolled to a stop at the light.
Why did men always think women were hysterical? They all seemed to have thought she lost her mind in some way. She hadn’t, she knew that without a doubt. But, they all seemed to think she did. She rubbed her temples trying to will away the perpetual headache that seemed to follow her everywhere these days.
Someone honked behind her and she took off. Damn, she was tired. She needed a long night’s sleep, and maybe tonight she would just take some of the meds they gave her. She had abstained from the heavier pain relievers because she was afraid to sleep too deeply.
Maura took a right turn and for once, noticed the car behind her followed her. She blew out a breath and ordered herself to calm down. So, the person behind her took the same turn. That happened every day all the time. It wasn’t something new.
Did the bastard need to get so close to her? She slowed down a bit, hoping the guy would pass her. The road was dark and deserted. Why had she waited until late to go home. Instead of passing her though, the car slowed down so much he was almost a spec in the distance.
She was going crazy. Her brother and the guys were right. But before she could follow that line of thinking, brights flashed in her rearview mirror. She looked up and the car was coming so fast behind Maura was sure it would hit her. She couldn’t get out of the way fast enough. She jolted from the hit, and worked the wheel like her brother told her, turning into the way the car was spinning to even it out. He was coming at her again, when she saw another car coming in the opposite direction. She turned down the street she knew would lead her to the local police precinct. Her bother had always told her if she were being followed to go to the closet police station or military base. She floored it, breaking the speed limit and getting as much space between the bastard and her as she could. She turned down the next street and sighed when she saw the police building. She sped into the parking lot, paying no attention if the car followed her or not.
Zeke slammed the door of his truck and stalked to the front door of the police station. Rory wasn’t far behind him.
“You go in there looking like that and she’s going to be pissed,” Rory said.
“She’s already going to be pissed. If Frank hadn’t rung me up, then I would have never known.”
And damn her for not calling them...him. He had been her friend all these years and now she acted like she didn’t want to have anything to do with either one of them. She was in danger and she went to the police. She didn’t call them. He knew that she was trying to keep her distance now that they returned, but Zeke was sure she was trying to hurt him by not calling him.
He continued stalking. He couldn’t help it. He was fucking pissed...and hurt, but he would deal with that later.
He saw her in the conference room and headed in that direction. Before he could make it there though, Frank stepped in front of him.
“Hey, man, calm down. She’s fine.”
He looked at him. “What kind of damage was done to the car?”
He sighed. “Not much and seriously, I hate to say this about your woman, man, but I think she might be delusional. She thinks there’s someone after her.”
“There is.”
His eyebrows shot up. “Oh, well...”
“We broke the Petersen case.”
“Oh, she mentioned that, but she thinks it is someone else. Someone who is after her personally. She said she was attacked in Hawaii.”
“She was. But, we’re convinced it had something to do with the government’s case.”
“Ah. And she had a concussion?”