Seven years. We had been here that long, and I couldn’t remember it all. Some small details were familiar from years prior, but mostly I could only remember the past several months. Why?

“We don’t have answers to these questions. Perhaps we were on borrowed time and that time is ending. We need the Gods to show us a way or pray for a merciful end,” Fallon announced in defeat. If he had lost hope, then we were all doomed to die soon.

Silence fell once again. Fallon looked around at every fae that stood in front of him. Defeat was clear in everyone’s eyes. Everyone was worn down and tired. At this point, they were probably praying to the stars that death would come quickly, or they would take matters into their own hands and start jumping through the boundary.

“Let’s make the most out of the time we have left.” He gave us a soft smile, and the meeting was dismissed.

We all stood in a defeated silence before parting ways. Sybil, the twins, and I walked to the house without speaking. Kai was the one to finally disrupt the quiet.

“We’re all going to die.”

“You don’t know that, Kai.” Sybil sighed heavily into the small quiet space. “There’s always a chance for us.”

“If there was a way, we would have figured it out by now,” Kai spat back at her. He was the levelheaded twin most of the time, but he had a point. If there was a way to save everyone, wouldn’t we have already thought of it? That had been the main goal when we first got here, but with each failed attempt we lost motivation. Eventually, the escape plans stopped altogether.

“Thea can track down supporters of elite magic and ask them to help,” Kaz suggested.

“You know that would do nothing, Kaz.” Sybil gave him a pointed look with an unspoken message within it.

“Perhaps kings from neighboring Kingdoms would support us if they knew where we were.”

“Kaz, it would be pointless,” Sybil spoke more harshly this time as something unspoken passed between them again.

“Where would I find them? And besides, the other kingdoms aren’t here because they stayed out of each other’s business. Why start a war over a small group of elite magic holders?” I sighed in irritation.

Kaz was confident when he spoke. “They would help.”

“No, they wouldn’t. If they wanted to help us, they would have. They would have prevented this, but they did not care.”

He stood fuming in front of me.

“How would you know? You can’t remember shit from before this prison. You sit here pissed off, but you don’t even remember what it’s like to be on the outside with family and friends. You don’t know the emptiness that we do, the loss of everything! You don’t even know if there’s anyone outside of that boundary that loves or misses you.”

“Kaz!” Kai and Sybil both spat in shock.

I shut my mouth in an instant. That was a low blow. It was the thing that haunted me the most. Did I have a family or a mate out there that loved me or missed me? What if I didn’t? What if they had turned on me and didn’t care that I was stuck here?

It created a hollowness deep in my chest that made it difficult to move past sometimes. Maybe I would be just as alone out there as I was in here.

I shoved past him and headed into my room. I didn’t want to think about life outside of this place because nothing but negative things ever came from it.

Chapter 3

The dreaded wooden door appeared in front of me. I had seen it hundreds of times in my dreams, but tonight it appeared different. The detailed wood carvings on the door held a large crest I had never seen before. I examined it, trying to see if the symbols sparked a memory for me. My dreams could end abruptly, and I didn’t want to waste my time. I reached for the handle, but his voice stopped me.

“Are you sure you want to open that?”

I turned into the darkness of the hallway and met his intoxicating golden eyes watching me thoughtfully. His voice was everything I expected it to be. Smooth with a tinge of cold indifference. He hadn’t spoken in years and now he cared to chime in?

“Do you know what’s behind that door?” I asked him confused. He had been here since the beginning; didn’t he want to know the answer to the screams behind the door?

“No,” he sighed, “but neither do you. It's likely a trick.”

“It’s just a dream.”

His hand held my wrist firmly in place so I couldn’t open the door. My eyes traced the lines of the black tattoos on his hand as he kept me from moving.

“Dreams hold answers and memories for us. That is not always a good thing.”