His hand wrapped around my neck as an angry look took over his face. Was he sleeping? Despite my body urging me, I didn’t fight against him. It didn’t seem like he knew who I was. My heart thudded rapidly in my chest at how vacant these black eyes were.

“Who the fuck are you?” he hissed as he gripped my throat tightly and his body pinned me below him.

“It’s me. Thea,” I choked out.

A look of confusion passed over his angry face. He pushed the blade of his knife harder against my neck in warning.

“That’s not possible,” he hissed. “Who are you?”

“Cassius, please. It’s me.” I whimpered as silent tears streamed down my face at the fear coursing through me. What was wrong with him? Lifting my hand slowly, I moved the tips of my fingers along the stubble on his jaw. He shook his head back and forth slightly like he was chasing away bad thoughts.

His eyes were completely black still as he stared at me. He set the knife down and grabbed my jaw tightly in his hand. He turned my head to the side before moving my hair out of the way so he could see my elite magic mark. I heard him let out a long breath from his nose. My eyes squeezed shut tightly at the amount of force he was gripping my jaw with. He turned my face towards him, and I watched his eyes move over me slowly as if looking to make sure I was actually there.

“Are we in a dream?” he whispered.


"You're really here with me?"


His grip on my jaw lessened, but he didn’t let it go as his mouth descended onto mine. Cassius kept me in place, not letting me move at all. His lips dominated mine, almost angry at first. The longer he kissed me the lighter his grip became. His hand moved from my jaw to the side of my neck to pull me more to him. His tongue brushed against my lips, and I welcomed it as a deep groan vibrated from his chest. Cassius broke the kiss only to press kisses down my neck and back up to my elite magic mark.

My whole body hummed at his touch like it had been starved from it forever. My hands moved to his dark hair and pulled it so he would find my lips again. Cassius slid his hand down the side of my body to grab the back of my knee and wrap it around him. I could feel how hard he was as he thrust forward, grinding against me and hitting the perfect spot.

“Cassius.” I groaned at the sensation.

“Thea?” He sat up quickly and I was greeted by his golden eyes, which were swimming in confusion. Cassius stood up and turned his back to me. “That shouldn’t have happened.”

His words smothered any warmth his touch had brought to me only a moment ago. I swallowed hard as he seemed distraught that he had touched me. He stopped his pacing and glared at me with no emotion.

“I should go.”

I hesitated at his words. He didn’t seem angry, but something like regret flittered across his features.

“I’ll go.”

Tears welled in my eyes as I grabbed all of myvbelongings that I could see. I quickly ran in the general direction of my room as tears threatened to escape me. How could he be so angry when it felt so right to touch him? Why was he so angry with me when he was the one who kissed me?

I didn’t understand why I was so upset by this. He was my enemy. He worked for the man that destroyed my life. Cassius should mean nothing to me.

Not only did he mess with my emotions, but he was keeping secrets from me. I shouldn’t care that he wanted to get away from me. It should have never gotten that far to begin with. When I turned the corner to head down the hallway to my room and collided with a hard chest making me fall back onto the floor.

“Are you alright?” Nev frowned at me. His eyes cascaded over my bare legs and the black shirt of Cassius’s I was wearing. Disgust contorted his features. Red flames caught my eye as Wisp appeared next to Nev. Wisp quickly put itself between Nev and me, which allowed me to slowly crawl backward from him to escape whatever danger Wisp felt I was in.

“I’m fine,” I lied. “Sorry, I was just heading to bed since I’m feeling better.”

Nev just stared down at me with disdain. He had never looked at me like this, and I was uncomfortable. My instincts were telling me to get up and run, but this was Nev. He was my friend. Nev reached into his pocket, but I couldn’t see what he grabbed. Wisp flashed immediately to black, and I backed myself up against the stone wall.

“I am sorry about this,” he sighed before opening his palm and blowing some sort of dust into my face. My eyes stung so badly that they immediately watered up. Abandoning all of my things, I stood to run, but he grabbed my hair and pulled me to the stone floor so hard the wind left my lungs. I gasped for air as I struggled to fight him, but he was easily overpowering me. I couldn’t figure out why my one friend in this competition had turned on me.

I opened my mouth to yell, but no noise came out. He grabbed my wrists and wrapped barbed metal around them, the pain so intense that I sobbed as he lifted me up and carried me outside. Thankfully, the night was cold against my skin. Cracking my eyes, I could see the soft red glow of Wisp following us.

“Please,” I whispered as I tried to figure out where he was taking me. I tried to summon my fire magic, but I couldn’t feel it anywhere.

“Your magic won’t work with these cuffs on,” he snapped. “I wasn’t planning on taking you tonight, but I guess when the opportunity presents itself, you have to take it,” he laughed.
