“No, it’s just being a little shy.” I sighed grabbing the amulet around my neck, willing the damned thing to show me how to use it. The orange and red from it seeped out and across my hand. The colors traveled through my veins and pulsed a power I had never experienced before. Nev’s eyes widened in shock as the magic ran through me. When I touched Nev’s hand the magic made its way to every part of my body.

The magic seeped through me and into him. His hand slowly pieced itself back together. His bloodied face healed before my eyes. Nev stared at me in awe. I could feel my own wounds hurting less and knew it was likely healing both of us at once. The magic glowed in my veins illuminating small swirls of red, black, and orange on my skin just like they had in my dream. The marks were so faint I doubted that he would spot them.

Nev flexed his once-broken hand and smiled brightly at me. As I let go of the amulet, Sybil’s magic lingered in my chest with my own. He stood up fully healed and tried quick jerky movements to test it out.

“Like new,” he chuckled. “Thank you.” He smiled brightly at me.

“It was no problem.”

“You healed up nicely, too.” He pointed at my shoulder. I did feel better, but I was exhausted. My eyes were heavy as I sat on the bed.

“Are you alright?” His brows creased.

“I just need to lay down and rest.” My words had barely left my mouth before my world went dark.

Chapter 9

My eyes fluttered open enough to see who was moving me. Cassius lifted me gently off the floor before laying me under my blankets. How had he gotten here so quickly? I tried to sit up, but he gently laid me back down.

“Easy, Thea,” he sighed. “I’m just getting you situated.” Nev was pacing by the doorway.

“Sorry Thea, you passed out and I didn’t know what to do,” Nev said.

I opened my mouth to respond but nothing came out.

“You need rest.” Cassius was close to me as he spoke, but my eyes were feeling hazy again. “Using magic too much will weaken you, especially if you don’t use it often.” My mouth opened to ask him why he thought I hadn’t used magic often, but the question died on my tongue as my mind fell into the darkness again.


I was stuck in the dark, suspended by time. How long have I been here? Where was here? Nothing but cold darkness encircled me as I looked around. My chest tightened with a suffocating panic.

“Little Viper?” His voice instantly stopped the panic from taking over.

I turned towards Cassius. As I did, the walls around us transformed from darkness into my room at the castle. He came towards me quickly and inspected me for injuries.

“You look uninjured.”

“I healed myself after the trial.”

Confusion crossed his face. He stared deep into my eyes as he contemplated something.

“I’ve never seen you heal before.”

“Well, you don’t know anything about me, Cassius. You’ve never seen me use magic.”

He nodded like it was true but didn’t say whatever was on his mind. He turned away from me and glanced out the window of my room. I joined him. It was nighttime at the Crimson Kingdom. The fountains were all lit up and the water shined red under the lights. It was beautiful. I had always wondered what the red lights were when I admired the castle from the forbidden wood.

“The gardens are my favorite part of the castle,” he spoke softly. “I like to go out there to clear my head and think.”

The gardens were peaceful to look at, but my favorite part was the sound of trickling water. He was much calmer in my dreams than real life. I wondered which one was the real him. He turned to me and froze me in place with his piercing golden eyes.

“You need to watch yourself while you’re here. Danger hides everywhere, Thea, and you are the biggest target. If you don’t look out for yourself, you’ll die.” His voice held an angry tone.

“What do you mean?” I asked.

“It will only be more dangerous the longer you stay. The target on your back will only become larger the farther into the trials you make it. There are others that don’t want you to succeed.”

“Cassius, I’m stronger than you think I am. I can handle it.” I paused and turned to him. His eyes held a real concern for me. “You know something that you aren’t telling me,” I accused.