“Looks like I placed before you. Does that mean I won the bet?” I said smugly just to piss him off more.

It worked, and he lunged for me again, but shadows circled us, blocking him from getting close. Cassius and I stood in the shadows where no one could see us. My eyes focused on the black misty shadows that had formed a wall around us. His black eyes focused on me for a long moment before looking over my wounds. I’m sure I looked like hell because my body ached with every small movement.

“You shouldn’t have involved yourself,” he seethed. “You would have made first place.”

“The boy deserved a place in the top ten. He was the best at the task. I want the best of the best in the top ten with me. It’s the only way to earn the wish.”

“Well, now he’s useless because of his wounds,” Cassius hissed as he squared himself like I might punch him. My hands curled into fists. “You wasted your spot to help someone who likely will fail the next challenge. Just worry about your damn self out there.”

Why was he so pissed off at me?

“I didn’t ask for your opinion on the matter,” I argued right back. I had taken a step closer to him, so he knew I wasn’t intimidated by him and his shadow magic. I’m sure my fire magic would be a challenge for him. “I know what I’m doing. I’m not stupid.”

He stepped closer to me, too, but I couldn’t move away because of his shadows. They had closed in around us, not allowing any extra space. His hot breath fanned my face as he exhaled sharply through his nose.

“Look at you!” he breathed. “Look at how much you gave up. You’re beat to hell, Thea. How are you supposed to do well in the next trial?”

“Let me out of your shadows,” I demanded as I pushed at his chest. I knew what I was doing and what consequences my actions would have. He was just like Kaz, Kai, and Sybil. They all thought I was too impulsive and reckless.

His shadows disappeared immediately, and we stormed away from each other. The contestants were all gathered in a small area watching Cassius and I fight. I walked over to where other survivors had congregated and joined them.

The king stood on his small balcony. “The trial has concluded. You all demonstrated great bravery and skill today.” He turned to the leaderboard. “It appears we lost more than ten participants today, so thirty-six of you remain. I want to remind you that killing each other is prohibited between trials. However, you are allowed to use magic now that the first task is completed. I will see you all when the next trial is to take place.” His eyes pierced into me as he spoke.

He disappeared and I turned to find the red haired fae. He was sitting on the ground in front of the Crimson Castle, nursing his broken hand. I hurried over to him. His dark eyes found mine as his body shivered with pain. I leaned down and helped him rise to his feet.

“Come on, let’s heal you up.” I huffed as we both struggled to move inside the castle. We passed the men’s sleeping quarters and headed towards my room so we would have privacy.

I wasn’t quite sure how to use the healing magic Sybil gave me, but I hoped I could figure it out. The walk to my room felt more expansive than it truly was. The fae next to me grunted in pain with each step forward. The others had walked by us without offering any help. I thought of tripping the burly fae as he walked by but controlled my impulses.

We paused in the hallway, leaning against the black stone walls to catch our breath.

“Most would have just left me,” he breathed out in painful breaths. “I wouldn’t have blamed you if you’d done the same.”

“I saw the way you moved so quietly and quickly. You would have gotten first place if it wasn’t for that prick. I want the best in the top ten with me.” It was odd being vulnerable towards this stranger. “Besides, that man is a fucking troll. Any excuse to stab him is enticing.”

The fae laughed but stopped abruptly, pain contorting his face. I moved to help him to my room quickly.

“His name is Leer, by the way,” the boy grunted.

I didn’t care what the burly fae’s name was. I would still refer to him as a troll until he was eliminated from the tournament.

When we finally reached my wooden door, I turned to look down the hall when I sensed eyes watching me. Cassius stood staring at the two of us disappearing into my room. His face gave nothing away about what he was thinking, but his shadows furled around him in an angry cloud still.

Ignoring him I walked through the door and helped the boy sit on my bed. The sound of the door locking had me releasing a long breath of relief.

“What’s your name?” I asked as I moved towards where he was sitting on my bed.

“My friends call me Nev.”

“Alright, Nev. I’m not sure how well I’m going to be able to do this,” I said honestly. “So, let’s get to it.”

I could tell he wanted to ask what I meant but I didn’t give him the chance. I inspected his wounds. His hand and ribs were definitely broken. Sybil’s magic hummed in the amulet around my neck, eager to be utilized.

Was I just supposed to touch where he was hurt? Nothing happened when I did that. Hmm. I had never seen a healer heal. I hadn’t seen anyone use magic besides myself and Cassius. I focused hard on his wounds and willed the magic to fix them, but that didn’t work either.

This was ridiculous.

“Is something wrong?” Nev asked.