“The man’s repulsive,” I argued weakly. “He will not rank in the top ten.” The need to try and focus on something other than him overwhelmed me. Could he hear how hard my heart was beating from being this close?

His golden eyes traced over my face. I held my breath as his eyes lingered over my face. What did he see when he looked at me?

“I look forward to watching you in the trials since you seem so confident in yourself,” he said, voice softer than it had been as if he was distracted.

“Glad you’ll be entertained while I fight for my life,” I retorted.

A smug smirk curled on his lips.

“You signed up for this.”

He had a point.

“May I go to bed or are you planning on holding me here all night?”

He seemed to realize that he was pressed up against me and pushed away from me instantly like I repulsed him. My body shivered at the loss of his body’s warmth.

“Tell me your name.” Not a question, but a demand.

“Thea.” That was my only response as I closed the door on him. I locked the door and listened for him to walk away, ignoring the patter in my chest. The man was too handsome for his own good, but too handsome for a man that served my biggest enemy. He was the enemy and I needed to remember that when he was near me.

Chapter 7

The guardsman who wore all black stood in the shadows in my room at the Crimson castle. I was lying on my bed as he looked around my room. His golden eyes paused when he spotted me on the bed watching him.

“Come out of the shadows and show me your face,” I demanded braver than I felt because this was only a dream.

“No flirting this time, Little Viper?” he purred playfully. When I didn’t answer he sighed. “No.”

“I already know who you are.”

His eyes held me in place as he thought about what his next move should be. With a defeated sigh, he stepped out of the shadows and lowered his hood. My suspicions were correct. It was the guardsman’s handsome face staring back at me. Even though I had expected him, my chest squeezed at the sight of him. Disbelief mingled with fear within me as I struggled to find words amidst the chaos swirling inside my mind.

“Are you liking Crimson so far?"

“You’re unpleasant in real life, you know.” I sat up on the bed to watch him better. Choosing to ignore his question, I simply stared at him.

He didn’t say anything either. His golden eyes pinned me like I was his prey and my body reacted to the look immediately.

“I told you before that I don’t remember you when I wake up. It’s like these dreams never happen. Why would you expect to be treated differently than any of the other contestants?” His tone wasn’t rude but more curious than anything.

“Hmm.” I glanced at him. “I don’t know if I believe that you don’t remember me.”

“Then don’t,” he snapped back.

“Do you wish you remembered me outside of your dreams?”

He turned his back towards me as he gazed out my window. I watched him as he blatantly ignored my presence. When he turned towards me, sadness washed over his face and his shoulders sagged. His dark brows creased as he stared at me, probably thinking, as I was, how we could finally be meeting after having known each other for years. He had been in my dreams since I was exiled.

“Yes,” he answered. “It feels like I’ve known you for so long.”

“I feel like I’ve known you forever. Maybe that’s why I was a little disappointed you didn’t recognize me today, in real life.” I whispered my vulnerable thoughts to him.

“Why did you join the trials?”

“I need the wish.”

His golden eyes glanced over me before frowning at my comment. “Little Viper, what if you die in the trials?”