They all stood around watching me. The tension was noticeable, and I'm sure they wanted to talk to me, but I didn’t stick around to find out what they had to say.

Chapter 5

“Were you sleeping this time or just escaping another dreadful meeting?” I huffed at the shadows in the hallway. Golden eyes narrowed on me from under his black-as-night cloak.

“Are you flirting with me, Little Viper?”

I scoffed as a retort. "I don't even know how to flirt."

"I think you do. I think you know exactly how to flirt, Little Viper."

Sybil was right. I should be cautious of this man, but I didn’t feel threatened when he was around. It was an odd feeling to have.

He stepped towards me but not enough to reveal anything about him. The smell of rain and the forest flooded my nose as he moved closer, though. I turned from him so he wouldn’t catch a glimpse of my smirk. My eyes met the dark wooden door and I wanted to destroy it. My hand paused on the door handle when his hand grabbed my wrist.

“You’re seriously going back in there? Do you not remember the creepy encounter you had last time?”

“Are you scared?” I taunted.

He scoffed.

To my surprise, the door opened when I shoved into it. This time the man and woman were in a heated discussion I couldn’t quite make out. I stepped forward and they both turned to me. I worried they would see me this time, but they turned toward the door when someone else walked in. My eyes followed a dream version of myself entering the room. My dark hair was in a thick braid, and I wore my green cloak, but I looked…different somehow.

A memory.

This was a memory.

I stopped in front of them. Again they had no faces, but it was far less creepy from a distance. I knew the man in the shadows was in the room with me, but I didn’t turn to figure out where he was.

“Where were you?” the man hissed.

"Making sure everyone was prepared for the fight.”

“You will go with them.” The woman hissed in my direction. I watched my face contort into confusion. Then my hands and jaw clenched tightly.

“Why would I go with them? That was not part of the plan.”

“You are the only one strong enough.” The man answered defeatedly. “One of us has to go to lead them, and you have the strongest magic, Thea.”

My eyes watched the memory version of myself. It was clear I had been upset. Betrayal floated thick in the air between me and the man ordering me around. This was a memory. This was not a dream, but who were these two fae? And why couldn’t I see their faces?

“You will go, or you will be banished.” the man spoke again.

Storming from the room, I muttered, "Fine."

The man from the shadows stood next to me. He was silent for a long moment.

“It’s a memory,” he said. “Do you know what they’re talking about?”

“No.” I sighed heavily and turned away from the man and woman. “I haven’t been able to remember anything about my past. It's one of the reasons I wanted to see what was behind this door. I thought it would give me answers to who I am."

He didn’t respond, but his body was rigid at the comment.

“My friend said I shouldn’t trust you. Are you a spy or something?” I questioned him, hoping to catch him off guard. He wasn't fazed.

“Maybe I shouldn’t trust you, Little Viper. Besides I only remember you in dreams. When I wake up, I have no recollection of you or what happened.”

“That’s odd for a dream stalker” I accused. Part of me was disappointed he didn't think of me outside these dreams like I thought of him.