Page 64 of Lady of Sin

“I’m getting there. Damn!” Josie lets out a small chuckle, causing Mera to give her side eye. “Because we were all made with the same magic, there are cases--”

“Very rare cases,” Josie cuts in.

“Thank you for specifying.” I can tell Mera is starting to get aggravated with us. She just wants to tell her story and we are not letting her. “Anyway, there are cases where two, or even three, beings share a soul. The magic they were made with lines up perfectly.”

I wait for her to finish her explanation, but when she doesn’t continue talking, I assume she’s done. “So, you’re soulmates.” I don’t phrase it as a question because I know I’m right. “That’s all you had to say was that y’all were soulmates. I appreciate the history lesson, but the entire explanation wasn’t needed. I know what mates are.”

Mera crosses her arms and looks towards my bedroom window. “You would know what mates are. You have five of them.” It was said under her breath, probably not meant for me to hear. But I did.

And it explains everything. “So that’s what a brand is? A mate bond?”

“Wait.” Josie holds her hand up, stopping all conversation. “You’re bonded to five demons?!” Is she mad about that? She is an angel and I’ve always read that they are enemies of demons. “And they didn’t tell you?!” Oh. That’s what she’s mad about. Good. That’s what friends are supposed to get mad about. “Is my brother one of those five?” She doesn’t give me time to answer, speaking to herself instead. “No, he couldn’t. We would have felt it.” Her eyes turn back to me, filled with rage. “Have any of them asked you if you even wanted to bond with them?”

I think back to all of our sexual encounters. “I mean… they asked if I wanted to be theirs. Wrath asked me if I wanted to be branded, but he didn’t tell me it was a bond. I should have assumed that since we can communicate telepathically.”

“Can you speak to all of them?” Josie is just as invested in this as I am though Mera seems to be tuning us out.

And therein lies the original problem. “I’m going to say yes though I haven’t before. I didn’t know that I could. I tried to ask Gluttony last weekend, but he lied to me. Then I found all the brands on my skin. I thought they were bruises because they weren’t the same size as Satan’s. It wasn’t until Beelzebub lied to me that I started to look for them. Then I found all of them and now I’m pissed because why wouldn’t they just tell me? And Satan knew they did it but never said anything to me. I’m mad at all of them right now.” Pushing my hair behind my ear, I can feel the blush start to creep onto my skin. “Except…”

Mera finally sits forward, engaged in the conversation once again. “Except?”

“Well… Yesterday, I ran into my ex-best friend, and we had an altercation and Asmodeus saved me. And then he played with Rellick and washed my hair and just took care of me. Then, told me he wouldn’t have sex with me! Because he didn’t want to be an escape.” My heart melts just thinking of last night all over again. “It was so sweet and romantic and sexy all at the same time and I want more of it.”

Mera and Josie share a sly look with each other before turning to me with mischief int heir eyes. “So, are we doing something about it?” Mera’s voice has taken on a conniving tone. “Because I have a couple ideas.”

I knew having the girls over would clear my head. I’m so glad I called them over.

The King of Lust better be ready because I’m coming for him.

Pun intended.

36. Asmodeus

I shouldn’t be in the throne room at this ungodly hour surrounded by my horrendous brothers talking of nothing of consequence. I should be back on Earth, in Bree’s bed, surrounded by her arms. And maybe her legs.

But no. These fucking douchebags forced me into the throne room for a “meeting” about stupid punishments. I don’t give a shit about punishments right now! I shouldn’t even be awake!

Granted, we have this meeting every seventh morning but it’s never this early. Even if they were this early, I don’t actually need to be here. My punishments are more fun than most and they haven’t changed since I started handing them out.

This meeting is a formality at best and just a way for my brothers to piss me off. They knew where I was.

“Something bothering you?” I turn to my right glare at Satan. I can almost guarantee that it was him who decided I needed to be here.

“Don’t fucking talk to me, you red bastard. I could be with Bree right now, but no. You had to ruin it for me.” I was sulking and I didn’t care.

He gives a small chuckle, but it’s not filled with his usual cockiness or mischief. “If anyone knows how much you want to be around her, it’s me. I wouldn’t take that opportunity from you.” I don’t answer him, though I know he’s speaking the truth. Wrath doesn’t ever feel the need to lie when the truth is normally fueled by rage. “How is she?”

I scoff at his audacity. “Like you don’t know?” Satan and I are closer than brothers. He’s my best friend and we don’t keep anything from each other. It’s rare that we don’t share. I’m aware he told Bree that they are bonded so I know all about their telepathic conversations.

“She’s blocked me out.” His words are morose, his tone depressing. “Hasn’t talked to me all week.”

“What’d you do?” Obviously, he did something. Not that Bree is innocent; she’s hanging out with us, but for her to learn to block him out? Something drastic had to have happened. His gaze focuses on Gluttony for half a second, not long enough for anyone to notice but I do. “Would you like to explain what Beel did for her to block out you?”

He gives a small sigh, wiping a tattooed hand down his face. “She knows.” There are literally so many things that she is supposed to know. “That we all bonded with her. She asked Gluttony a direct question and he ignored it for some stupid reason, and she blocked us all out.”

Should I feel bad for them? No. They all had the opportunity to tell her what was going on. And while Satan actually asked her if she wanted to be bonded, he never told her about the others.

I’m still currently trying to get out of the doghouse that I put myself in the first night Mammon brought her here. When I made her orgasm with just my voice and a brief touch of my fingertips.