Page 62 of Lady of Sin

Turning back to the front, Bree takes a deep breath, lying her head back against the headrest. “Old friends?” I scoff. “My brothers and I joke around vulgarly but we don’t intentionally try to tear each other down. Fuck those ‘friends.’”

A small tear slides down her cheek and I use my knuckle to wipe it off. “Want to talk about it?” A small shake of her head is the only response. “If it makes you feel any better, the images I put in their head should cause a massive breakup.”

My words turn her small tears into actual sobs. “That doesn’t make it better. They should have been together from the beginning. I ruined that for them.”

I keep my mouth shut until we get to her apartment. “Are we going to the apartment or house?” Bree takes Rellick out of the car and walks to the door, opening it to her apartment. Guess that answers that question. Sitting on the couch, I wait for Bree to get herself and Rellick situated.

My eyes follow as she does multiple things at once, getting Rellick food, picking up his toys, and putting random things away. Finally, I’ve had enough of watching her flit from place to place. As she’s walking past the couch, I grip her wrist and tug, pulling her onto the couch with me. “Will you tell me what’s wrong, Love?”

She shakes her head. “Let me focus on Rellick for a minute.” I want to argue. She needs to focus on herself, too. It can’t be about Rellick all the time, or she’ll wear herself out. Mentally, physically, and emotionally.

Bree doesn’t wait for me to respond, standing up unsteadily to focus on everything but herself. I want to say I was patient, but that would be a lie. After five minutes I pulled her back down to the couch. “What’s left to do, Love?” She attempts to stand again, and gently I push her back down. “Tell me what you need me to do.”

Her green eyes are red and puffy as she looks up at me, her sniffles quiet. “I need to get Rellick ready for bed now that he’s eaten. Run a bath and get his pajamas ready.”

I make a glass of wine appear and force it into her hand. “Sit. Stay. Drink. I can handle this.” I turn towards the kid who’s now covered in ketchup. “Alright kid. Bath time.” Grabbing him by the leg, I lift him into the air, leaving him upside down. Bree gives a small shriek while Rellick laughs with glee. I bring him into the bathroom, placing him right-side up on the toilet. “How do we do this?” Rather than play with the dials or the multitudes of bottles on the side of the tub, I snap my fingers and fill the tub with water and bubbles. “How’s that?”

Rellick laughs and begins to strip. “Woah, man!” I cover my eyes, making him laugh with my exaggerations. “Warn a guy, will ya?” Once he’s in the water, I grab a washcloth and begin to wipe his face.

While I’m trying to clean him up, I listen out to make sure Brianna is sitting still and not doing anything other than drinking her glass of wine. It’s when I’m distracted that Rellick takes the opportunity to blow bubbles in my face. His laughter is infectious and within seconds we’re in a bubble war. “What’s going on in here?” Both of us freeze at Bree’s voice. There’s no anger or wrathful emotion. Just curiosity with a small smile gracing her lips.

Rellick and I look at each other for a moment, a sinister smirk on each of our faces before we both grab handfuls of bubbles and throw them at her. The bathroom is a mess of water and suds as we all throw as many bubbles as we can until there are none left. “Alright, sweet boy. Let’s wash these bubbles off and get ready for bed.”

With all the bubbles washed off him, Bree takes him out of the tub, and I hand her a towel. We work together to get Rellick in his pajamas and into bed. “Night, Mommy. Night, Fuzzy.”

“Night, kid,” I say from the doorway. Bree tucks him in tight and kisses his cheek. She sets up the television for him before leaving the room. Before she can pass me, I lift her bridal style and carry her back into the restroom.

I get the shower started then turn to her. Keeping eye contact with her, I lift her shirt over her head. When she gives me no arguments, I continue stripping her until she’s naked. She’s absolutely gorgeous. Her skin has a lovely pink hue, and her lips are the same red as the tips of her hair. I skip over my brothers’ brands and focus on her.

This woman is as remarkable on the outside as she is on the inside. I strip myself down to nothing and then pull us into the steaming shower. Grabbing a cloth, I begin to wash the day off her, making sure not to touch her any more than is necessary. I want her to know that this is for her and not for me. I’m not here to get my dick wet. After washing her body, I use my own shampoo to wash her hair, massaging my scent into her scalp. Her moans make everything hard but still, I keep my dick to myself.

After showering, I wrap her in a fluffy red towel, then myself in a matching one. Once again, I bridal carry her into her room. I don’t bother digging through her drawers, making one of my own tees appear and putting it on her after drying her off.

Putting on my own boxer shorts, I use her towel to attempt to dry her hair. When it’s as dry as I think I’ll get it, I lift the coverlet and place her under it, tucking her in the same way she did for Rellick. Turning the light off, I climb into the bed, keeping my body above the blanket.

“Don’t you want to get under the covers with me?”

I wrap my arm around her waist and pull her back into me. “Of course I do, but tonight isn’t about me.”

She’s quiet for a long while. Long enough for me to think she’s fallen asleep. Her voice startles me. “Why hasn’t your touch, or even your voice, affected me as much?”

“I wasn’t using any power. This is just me.” I squeeze her against me for a quick second, then loosen my arm so it’s easy for her to escape if she wants. “Even if you wanted to do anything sexual tonight, I wouldn’t.” Bree’s body tenses in misunderstanding. “I don’t want to be a distraction for you. I want to be here for you for more than just a mind-blowing orgasm. I want to be here for a cuddle or a shoulder to cry on or a lending hand. I’m more than just my dick.” The last sentence was whispered, my own insecurities coming to the surface.

Bree spins in my arms and snuggles into my chest. “Thank you. For today. I wouldn’t have wanted anyone else there. You were exactly what I needed.”

Her words fill my heart until it feels as though it will burst. “I’ll always be here to take care of you when you can’t take care of yourself.” I kiss her forehead and move my hand to her scalp. “Go to sleep, Love.” I play in her hair until I feel her body relax against me and her breathing turn slow and even.

This is what I want more than anything. I don’t want her lust.

I want her love.

35. Bree

Why is it so hot in my room? I try to lift the blanket off me, but my arms are stuck. Opening my eyes, I look around my room, trying to figure out what’s going on, only to realize I am surrounded by pink fur. It’s under my head, over my chest, and against the entire back of my body. I also have a blanket on over my stomach. What is this stuff?

“Stop wiggling.” A sexy rumbled groan makes me freeze. “Go back to sleep.”

Turning my head, I look behind me to see Lust in full fuzzy magenta demonic lupine form snuggling against me. “I’m hot,” I whine. I turn around completely and attempt to separate myself from him by pushing on his chest.